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Reviews for "Broken Saints CH 20 Act 4"

just outraged by the last reveiw you got

ok idk wat 6MiBrId6AnGeL6 is smoking but i do know that hes sadly mistaken and doesnt have any taste in a good flash. dont quit making these b/c they are incredible. you are one of the greatest authors on newgrounds. keep up the fantastic work!


Fuck all those people who say it isn't good. It's amazing. Keep at it. I just caught this one and thought it was GENIUS. I'm off to watch the rest of them.

I think the style is awesome, and I gave it an 8 for interactivity because it's almost like I'm reading a book (a good one).

Wonderful story.

Just because you redneck motherfuckers can't appreciate anything even slightly more intelligent than cows doesn't mean you should bash it. Go watch Digimon.


Thanks again for this series.

Raimi...what a good character

Hes is probably about the best character in the series. Hes been my favorite to watch throughout the whole thing....out of all three of the flashbacks, this was the best.

Thank you so much for this series.....ive told everyone I know about it....it so in depth and theres always a bit that keeps you coming back. Only problem is there is a few of the older chapters missing....its unfortunate because i sometimes miss the references from past chapters i havent seen. If you had this on dvd or as one complete file, i would actually pay for it, which is saying alot, since i rarely buy dvd's.

Thank you again, i cannot wait to get through this series!!


Slow Parts

Straight up, man. Have the people who are whining about these slow parts ever read a book? You know the flashback parts that aren't all that exciting, but are needed for the characters and to make sense of everything? Did you not think a storyline as complex as this one wasn't going to need a few of those?
Plus, pay some freaking attention to these flashbacks, and you may find some interesting things. Notice the connection between Raimi's line at the end of this episode and his line at the end of episode two? I hope so. It was weird and unexplained in Episode two, and if it didn't stick in your memory, you may be living too much for the fight scenes and not enough for the reasons behind the fights. If you want that, go watch Dad's Home.
Not to say Dad's Home isn't a sweet, sweet flash. In fact, having gotten my Broken Saints fix, I'm going to go watch it right now.