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Reviews for "Your Tax Dollars at Work"

holy shit

i never relised that tyvm for making this, now im kinda wrong on ur first 1 "the truth" sry forgive me

God help the world!!

This almost made me cry, and I consider myself a pretty hard core dude. Deformed and dead babies is something I really don't care to see, but this video is so informitive it almost made me happy. Knowing that this could happen to anyone, anywhere, and at any given time of the day made me realize that the United States is a big heaping pile of asshole muderers and I for one am planning to write to the administrative offices of the White House and request an explanation from our nation's president and those responsible for what happened in 2003. Because this isn't something that just goes away you fucking assholes!! This is going to be there for not just 4.5 billion years, oh no, that just the half-life: meaning half the time it takes for it to start decomposing... that crap is going to be there for the next NINE BILLION YEARS. I thank the creators of this for allowing me to view the travesty that our country has had the honorless priviledge of bestowing upon others. Great movie!!

Bushflash responds:

Thank you for the great review! :')

Bush is a bastard

Bush is a bastard, and anybody who supports him is a bastard. I honestly don't believe in hell(im pagan), but i think that bush has earned a spot there right next to hitler and sadaam. There is nothing more pleasing to me than the thought of bush's face getting spat in by the god he claims he is a man of, while he's burning in hell.Seriously, this flash, and the other one u just submitted need to be put on the frontpage. It sickens me to think that bush went into iraq and did what he did. And just for oil to! And nobody fucking tell me that i hate america. I love america, but i hate the system running it, and every member of the system. I think that if bush really wants to help those people, he should shoot himself. That is all i have to say about this matter. -Clint

gives me an idea

im gonna go out there and do off with the presidents head... hehehe

Powerful Message

Your right on all counts, this message makes a shit load of sense and the toll of nuclear waste is gonna get worse if we go to war with Iran, North Korea and possible China and who knows Russia might want to go to war with us.