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Reviews for "The Truth!"

Finally someone who sees the light


yes, bush.. the idiot

good flash. well done. and GREAT choice of music. i love VNV nation.
well, tah tah for now. fantastic

America has to take a stand!!

If this were to happen in some other country, which it has, people of our nation would be sad, but not enough to care. Think if this was our country... and don't be an asshole and say what about "nine eleven" because everyone knows that was that fucked up faggot Bush's fault. This shouldn't happen... this isn't right to do what we are doing to these poor people. Now don't get me wrong, we have got to stop them, but not by endangering the lives of those billions of years from now. If you gave this movie a bad score, then I hope that almighty God strikes you dead where you sit, stand, kneel, lay, whatever!! This needs to be distributed among the masses and I did my part by issuing this movie a 5 out of 5. Great movie!!!!

Bushflash responds:

WE are not doing nothing to these poor people. It's our faschist government that is. Thank you for your great review and score.


FUCK BUSH, he's a twat!
Fat mike whould be proud of you now ^^
(y'know singer of NOFX)


..if bush hadn't STARTED the war that soldier wouldn't have BEEN there.

Up here in Canada all I can do is shake my head at the corruption of the US government