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Reviews for "MGS3 Animated Trailer"

Amazing, very professional!

THis was very well done, a most professional looking flash! You put forth quite some effort, I like the graphics the most, the colors are amazingly well put! The sound is a great find, as well as a great pic. Everything fit together, it looks awesome, you put forth quite some effort. I will look forward to more submissions by you in the future hopefully! I like how you had all the graphics move accordingly, it looked awesome! THis was a very humerous piece of flash, I laughed out loud most of the time, basically throughout! The characters look fantastic! I also like, your action scenes, it had mild vilonce which is always good, you put forth quite some effort! Keep up the awesome work, I will look forward to more flash hopefully done by you in the near future! I gave you a five out of five on the portal vote, and a ten out of ten on the overall review voting thing. Keep up the awesome work!

Thanks for voting, Jamie_McGuire!
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Moonlight-Dragun responds:

Thanks jamie. hehe i remember when i had a submission at retrogade and you reviewed it saying: that sucked cock motherfucker. haha well guess this make up for it =)

MD!!! <3

Awesomeness! I had no idea you were so talented in Flash AND in photoshop. Looks like I've got some studying to do on the programs if I want to catch up with you. You've got good stuff on both websites. How long have you been animating and working in photoshop for??

Moonlight-Dragun responds:

photoshop i've been working since i was 13 or 14 .. couple of years ago. flash i started just about 4 or 5 months ago. thanks for reviewing, seed!! =p

This is definitely a Metal Gear master piece.

This was great and amazing! But I have a few questions. How and Where did u get the music while Snake got his eye removed? I want to use that music in my movie which will ALSO be somewhat related to MGS:3, if i ever get started. Correction, Snake's eye wasnt removed by the Boss, Snake pushed Ocelot to in order to save EVA, but got his eye shot out but u prabably know that. PLEASE RESPOND TO MY REVIEWAND MY QUESTION!!! Anyways, u did a spectacular job! Keep it up man!!

P.S: does that music have a name?

Moonlight-Dragun responds:

I downloaded the song from programs like kazaa. You just have to type in "Metal Gear Solid 3" and all the songs will show up. I'm sorry i'm not sure of the exact name for it .. but it's by Harry Gregson-Williams. That's all I know hehe


the pain the fear the end the fury the sarrow and the JOY aka the boss

Moonlight-Dragun responds:

? ummm thanks =D

good but...............

two things wrong with this the game is set in the 70's and the boss dosnt shot your eye out ocelot does when u try to save tatyaina but it was still a good game

Moonlight-Dragun responds:

yeah i know ppl have already gone over that fact =p