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Reviews for "Just Another War"

....dear sweet jesus

my god dude, speed that shit up. that could have been a 4 minute movie if u didnt make everything go so slow, and because of the speed of everything, it got boring....FAST. plus, the way people were speaking...it sounded like they had bad nose colds. were u pluging your nose while recording? and on top of that, it was a very bad attempt at making your own language. it sounded like an infant's jibborish.

however, the other sounds were good...and the graphics were good but animation wasnt to good at parts.

im not trying to be an ass, i just didnt like it.

What do you see in this movie???

I'm not seeing it. This movie was entirely too long. Shorten it up, clear up the audio, and for goodness sakes, make it a story you can get into!!!!


booooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnggggggggg i mean comon no blood or guts? well i mean serious blood and stuff he should have shot that other guy in da face lol and m4a1 meets ak47 what r u on? well i gotta say u got heart *coughNOTcough*

Flyborg responds:

Yes, blood and gore IS what makes a good movie. Also, I am a retard who spells "are you" as r u and leaves dumb reviews of movies. And I don't even know what sarcasm IS.

Pfft .... wat do u call this!

whats the deal with all that very fine detail n all that crap, the flash graphics arent all that good, *sigh* take bitey of brakenwood now thats good detail....plus it sucked good day

Flyborg responds:

What, you mean the quality settings? Do you not understand quality settings?

By the way, "Bitey of Brackenwood" was made by a 34 year old professional animator! Gahh!


This is one of the the most boring and pointless flash movies I have ever watched. It was a pathetic attempt to try and be symbolic, but all it accomplished was making me write this review. And i never write reviews.

Flyborg responds:

I'm glad I've inspired you to write a review. It must really be your first, I can tell.