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Reviews for "Just Another War"

WOW man...!!

Hey man! i luv watching movies which are inspired by dreams because i am into stuff like the most weirdest dreams like everything destroyed by lava because the world turned into hell that was my dream

and i once had a dream which i was in a car with my family and then this gr8 tsunami came over my car and a face appeared saying f u u fuking ass!!! nd i had other weird and bad dreams but anyhows this movie was soooo!!! gr8!!! and i think movies are better inspired by bad dreams they always seem interesting try making movies inspired by your dreams more you might get rated 11/10 even though this movie was rated that likes cya ya l8r!!!

Flyborg responds:

Yeah this and 29 Day War were dream inspired. My 2 best movies so far.

If you want to see another cool movie inspired by a dream (although not by me, I just think it's really cool) search NG for "Walk-Smash-Walk".


nice graphics and that hole movie was amazing!!!! i love wars and shooting things thats the best movie ive seen i rate it 10/10 well done its a challenge to get 10/10 from me sometimes


you reaaly have to watch withan open mind unlike.Goth the deathbringer.if you really think you will realize that this is what the world is turning to .war death and destruction.and even more to think about that is how out world could end up.you did a great job i hope that people will look and relize how much emotion you put in your work great job


damm, that was amazingly good!!! i cant believe some people dont understand such a simple clip!! good work, keep em comin!!!


i like it but what's with the beginning and the stick figures.

Flyborg responds:

Adam + Eve = World. Then there's just animals, followed by humans, and then we "advance".