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Reviews for "Catfight"

I know that music!!

Thats totally a techno-mix of the song from Willow!!! You know, that movie from like...1988 I think...it was kickass nonetheless!

Cool Idea

I think that the movies pretty cool. The music I personally like alot, but the best part about the whole thing is the training scene!!!
Nice ending to ^_^


THe cats looked great and the Ending was cute, I just didn't like the animation that much, still good job!


You're a great author, I have not seen a submission of yours that I have not liked! They're cute and touching in a way that you rarely see around here, and in Flash in general.

I don't know why people don't like the song, but then again I'm a big electronica fan. Speaking of which, I swear I've heard a different version of that song. I'll check out the author's link that you provided.

Okay, the animation itself: graphics were excellent, the only complaint I had would be the whole "cloud of dust" thing for the cats fighting. As much as I love cats, and as much as I think the animation would have been ruined if there had been gratuitous violence, after the great, explicit animation that we had seen leading up to the fight, it was a little dissapointing and cliched to just see the cloud of dust.

Aside from that, it was great. You could maybe have pushed it a little further, perhaps by drawing out the pre-fight a bit, maybe some other fight effects, e.g., lights flashing, stop motion, etc.. My favorite part, definitely, was the "Training" part. I could watch that a million times! Anyways, keep up the great work!

Great potential, but a few flaws.

I love the colours you used in this flash, and I also liked some of the techniques you used such as the horizontal strips accross the screen and the "spiralling down into the city" (just before the cats fight); that made me dizzy, and I loved it! The music isn't anything special by itself (nice melody but repeats an awful lot), but somehow it really went well with the flash.

Here's what I didn't like though:

-When the cat was training, why did his body look more human than cat? I felt cheated! Cats don't move or "train" like humans!
-When the cats fought, you used the cheap "dustball" technique. The fight was boring! You should have watched some actual videos of cats fighting and drew from that; if you'd done that, it quite possibly would have been the highlight of the flash.
-both cats looked the same, just different colours. Something different about the other cat would have been nice.