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Reviews for "Sprite Survivor - 5"

Good cant wait for more of this :D

Flik and Neclord.
Those 2 are idiots. during the SWE neclord didnt want to fight flik which was a little coward-like and Flik is just to goddamn arrogant and let him take the goddamn sword with him!!!

Pls dont let crono kill sailormoon the way she got him was way too hilarious!!! it was second episode when he got frozen in time by the spell stop and it was indeed her perfect chance and besides crono needed to get laid soon (shadow too :P)

Its cool you are moving more and more sidestory`s to this serie like squall and cloud working together with the black knight(cecil) to stop the evil sephiroth and thank god sephiroth killed kefka. let kefka live on in a hospital like a bedplant. his injuries cant be that bad since he got no brains :D

cant wait for more

Hell-Fire responds:

Flik - Neclord

Cool, glad you liked. I think Im more releaved than you that kefka is dead. And you would only understand the Flik - neclord conflict if you played suikoden 1 and 2. And neclords not scared of Flik, hes scared of the sword.

Thanks for votes and review

Indeed, good again.

I let this one slip by me... I've been trying to see this one come through the portal, but of course, I missed it... Oh well. I'm here, though! ^.^

First... To the votes...

Ramuh - Let's get rid of Neclord. I'm not exactly happy with him still in, and his role isn't great. Besides, he's been pointless, minus a little comic relief lately... Throw him out of there.

Shiva - Let's kick Flik out. With Neclord gone, Flik has no point. Get it? That, and he's not really been a big thing until he got that sword, which I still don't follow... Guess I should have played his game, eh? But yea, kick him out.

And the review itself:

The Graphics were good, again, as always. Of course, I'd still love a little more background stuff, but we can't have it all, eh?

The Style, again, is through the roof. Every pun, joke, sprite... Perfectly in line for this movie.

The sound was a little sketchy here and there. A minor tweaking, and it'd be perfect, but a little buzzing during the FFX Blitzball theme song, but minus that and other minor difficulties, it's good.

Violence was a little lower in this. Only a couple fights, as opposed to a giant all out brawl. I rather enjoy the big fight scenes, but nonetheless, the small ones were good this time around. Nice!

Interactivity... Ah... Indeed, the quiz was good, as were the rest of the menu you had. Good job.

Humor, indeed, was high... Heh... I love the Celes killing Mario with Death thing... I rolled at that... Heh... A little more could have been nice, but even without it, it ranks high with me!

Overall it was an excellent thing to watch, as always. I anxiously await the next one, again! ^.^

~Larry "Geno" Meyers

Hell-Fire responds:

Neclord - flik

Ahhh, its good to get another decent review. Over time I plan to get more experienced and be able to fix all those problems. I can only learn :). thanks a lot for the detailed review and thanks for voting

its me again

flik and neclord if you repond to this then you will have responded to all of my post still

Hell-Fire responds:

flik - neclord

i respond to every review
thanks for voting again

Drawn Together

Damn it was HILARIOUS!!! I'm hoping to see more violence and humor in the next one.

Hell-Fire responds:

- no votes -

Thanks for review. The next one should be better

I have the right to vote 5 on this movie!!!

Cool the second SS quiz I've killed!! This series just keeps getting better and better!! You can appeal to all ages,gender, and variety with such a wide variety AND you give it a valid explanation for being as random as you want!! You my friend are a genious and are very well on your way to being the very first flash artist to recieve all 10's from me, don't worry you got my 5.If I ever get flash,(hint hint) I might have to make a flash tributing you. Some people may say this review is over doing it a little, but after beating 45% of all the games in the world, you start to get bored, seeing the same thing over and over again, and movies like this just lift my spirit.

Anyway my votes are for Charles and Celes, haven't been doing to much lately have they? Ever since "Charles" got smart he's lost his humor factor, and that was pretty much all he had. Celes holds her tribe together, but she's just plain boring, and no one wants Ramuh to win anyway...
Keep up the good work man and remember Crono+Cloud+Squall+Sephiroth+Cecil = 5 and Front Page!!

Til' then my friend.

Hell-Fire responds:

charles - celes

Cool, im glad you liked it so much. Thanks for voting and review