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Reviews for "Freak: Episode 2"

Another good one in the series!!

I cant wait till i find out what happens next!

((( OK )))

Heh well its ok, gave me a few laughs, wow somany awards the fans really like this one, it was cool, though the graphics were decent aswell, i was impressed, nice job...


Evil-Dog responds:

The biggest reviewer on NG and yet you won't explain why you give just a 6? not cool...

Its not as good as everyone thinks

Personally, I found it too slow for my tastes. The voice acting was fairly good, although the lead characters voice could be better done while hes narrating, perhaps a less whispering sound. Have his throat scraped or something. The story is a little thin per movie. Its just a quick piece of plot per. It'll take forever at this rate, at which you'll get bored and just start moving a lot faster and making it less interesting. I've seen it happen before.

Its okay, its not really good like some other stuff I've seen like that mars conspiracy one. Quite close though. Perhaps not LONGER, but somehwhat faster in parts. Don't delay for time please. The story is slightly interesting and I'd like to see how this one turns out.

Evil-Dog responds:

We wanted the whispery feel for the narrating voice. That's what's cool.
And the story indeed is slow and we will indeed stop the serie very rougly without a real ending but that's out of the point. You're not review the whole serie you're reviewing this episode. And if you want to compare Mars conspiracy or FLU with us, I think you'll find that we dominate them on the graphic aspect, which explains how they could release like 15 episodes so fast, it's not polished.
Everyone has different ambition, ours is to make the best looking flashes with a slow, dark story. Everyone can't be pleased with this, but the majority is.

looked ok butt...

i can watch tv if i wanna see drama.

Evil-Dog responds:

and you can watch tv if you want comedy....aaannd you can watch tv if you want violence....you can watch tv if you want action....you can watch tv if you want suspence...so your point is?

iron man

the fbi agent look like lead made