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Reviews for "New Reality TV Show"

not too shabby

i never though losing my keys
would be so dramatic? especially
trying to figure which ones are my
own. the voicework was cheesy, but
in a good way and this was a good spoof
on reality tv shows. though the visuals
were pretty crappy and this wasnt as
funny as i thought it would be, but was
still midly entertaining.



theres to many reality T.V. shows lately. well, atleast on fox, i mean foccs

From the makers of "Where's my KY Jelly?"

The weird thing is, I'd much rather watch a show about some guy trying to locate his car keys than any of the crappy reality TV shows that actually (and unfortunately) exist. Good job!


Oh God, this is so true. I think that a reality show will evetually be made like this. It's just so...sad. What's this world coming to? And have you noticed that most reality shows never even make it through their first season? And I'm gonna kill UPN since they moved Star Trek: Enterprise to Friday because of America's Next Top Model. Actually, I think I'll just kill Tyra Banks. That bitch.

So true.

Ahahaha.. Fox would do some thing like that wouldn't it.. Ahahaha...