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Reviews for "XIN Session 13"

Very dissapointing................

I havent seen any previouse movies before but i bet they will suck just like this one.......the only thing good is the voice acting but then you found away to make it unprofessinal by trying to make it professinal because you dont really know how to make anything.......the art sucks, and not just because its anime but because its so horribly drawn,.....and the animation is even worse......I dont know how this movie got a 4.30 but it clearly does not deserve it, maybe a 2.30, but this movie is seriously overated, you shouldn't be proud of yourself, I wouldnt if I made this kind of garbage.......

There was one thing that makes Xin immature..

The script and voice actors are lacking. If the script was more well thought out and the voice actors a little less monotone, I'd say you have a hit.

What's next?!

I'm not really big into anime and i might never will. But this had a good story that I would like to see what might happen next.


would be very good, but the graphics are shit

Step Back

I am a big fan of this series and it has come very far. But I have to say, the art in this episode does not match the quality in the previous ones. Given that the first few were not amazing but they still had the same normal design. This one does not match with the previous ones and does not follow the trend of improvement that the last ones do. With each new episode the graphics and artistry got more and more creative, more detailed and in general, better.

This one doesn't go along. The art was- in compairison, bad. The story was choppy with the rest of the series and it just didn't flow like the last ones. And to top it all off, the voices in this one really detracted from the overall distraction that the slipping artwork provided. Get the voice quality from the first few with new voiceovers and the art quality from episodes such as 7-11 and the story quality from all of the episodes past and you'll be looking at the perfect episdode 14.