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Reviews for "About mass voting"


That was ok, I guess. I mean, there are tons of these flashes, and some are good, and some are bad. This one is ok. Happy birthday, anyways.

Valid point...

I get the point you are trying to make and it is a worthwhile rant, but it would be allot better if you actually gave enough time to read everything. The text flys by so fast that you dont really have time to read it all. But yeah I liked the background music and nice touch by writing it personally.....

TheStarSyndicate responds:


Oh, come on!

Just call a spade a spade!

Look, I don't have a problem with your cartoons. In fact, I can sincerely say that I like a fair number of your daily toons. But you can't honestly mean that this group does not use the "mass voting" trick. Maybe not by creating new accounts, but there are certainly enough members in your organization (apparently, at least 115 by your count) to keep a lot of flashes on this site with the right amount of coordination.

While I can't prove this, I suggest you take a look at "A Trip to the Subway" and tell me that stayed here on merit alone. Do what you feel, call me a dumbass if you want, but you're honestly not fooling anyone.

P.S.- BTW, offering people a free protection point if they vote high doesn't help you're case at all. It makes you sound confident; confident that you're flash WILL pass judgement.

TheStarSyndicate responds:

so wait, why are you presenting an arguement I shot down in the flash?

You are wasting your time on this!!!

man! abuse of the portal!

TheStarSyndicate responds:

you're a dumbass

s club 7

you say that you have 115 in your group. but really there were 4 who each had 5 false accounts, giving a total of 20 extra votes. (at least i hope that's what happened, and not each of the four having 20 accounts...) so you have 135 "people" who can vote, as a group, all 5 or 0 or whatever you choose to do. yes you're whole cute little "syndicate" takes the blame. it's called guilty by association. you wanna be a in a special little club? you gotta learn that you will be seen as a whole, not as individuals who aren't connected. especially after it's proven that your group is working together in large, or as a complete, group(s). and no, the system isn't flawed. some people probably are too stupid to not vote the 1 instead of a 2. and i'm sure some people vote 2 or higher in hopes of a free protection point because they feel safe in knowing that the 135 other syndicate members are backing them up. but if you believe that four star proved that it doesn't work because it passed, then you're delusional. i'd like to know exactly how many of those "high ranking voters" were members of your adorable little club. and though you never mention what it was of his that passed, i really hope you aren't using his sexual sensations as an example because i wouldn't even need to elaborate as to why people let that pass. if it's another work, well then i just don't know, and frankly don't care. any group that is voting uniformly with a set goal in mind pretty much undermines all of newgrounds and is a shitty thing to do. the system isn't the flaw, it's groups like the star "club" that create flaws in exploiting the rewards system to members by basically telling people "if you vote in the same manner as us, you'll receive the same rewards we do", without them having to wonder if it'll work or not. ya know what i'm so tired of? whiny, self righteous people passing the buck, even after they've been caught, because they're too big of pussies to admit that that is exactly what they are.

TheStarSyndicate responds:

I stopped reading when I saw "guilty by association". There is a fallacy in that reasoning (dictionary.com if you don't know what that means).

Let me apply the same reasoning to other things.

Gelani loves chicken. Gelani is black. Therefore, black people love chicken.