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Reviews for "You are dreaming."


Incredible, I enjoyed ever second of that. Nice flash...

PureCarnage responds:

Thanks CrazyEye, I have bigger plans for the next dream tribute that I do... this was a warm up.

But I have 2 other animations on the go I'll have to finish first.

Woah... deep on some many levels

Very unique Flash movie here, I think it would be lost on most people on this site caling it 'gay' etc. In terms of the content even the itnro makes you think before you even get to the text. This brings me to the only fault of this flash... the text is too small! Once you get to the menu you can barely read it, I even have a widescren monitor so I hate to think what it appears as on other peoples monitors, with that amount of text there you should be pulling out every gimmick possible to get people to read it!

On a side note cheers for reminding me of one of my hardest to acheive dreams I suppose... to be a compentant artist, complete with fan club... no chance of that happening any time soon though...

PureCarnage responds:

Well, the flash is kind of in beta, so advice like making the text larger is something that maybe some action script can fix for high res monitors. I can read it on mine so never considered it a problem, I will see what I can do.

Keep working hard at your art and flash and who knows where you will end up. Chase the dream.

this can make ppl think

very intresting , what it's saying...This flash is very special....

PureCarnage responds:

Thanks, I wanted to open up some minds. I think this flash will do just that.

Thanks for the review.


wow you really put some thoughts into this i thought it was great man

PureCarnage responds:

Thanks, I want to return to it and put mor e thought in it.


I dont really see the point in the flash, it left me saying what the hell even after I read its intended purpose. I have never had a dream like that. Its more like a drug induced hallucination than a dream like atmosphere. The afterwards information was too small to bother to try and decypher. It was a cool little animation, but to me had very little to do with dreams. Some of the drawings didnt really fit in either, altho very good and very Todd McFarlane looking.

PureCarnage responds:

Not everyone remebers dreaming, and since dreams occur on many layers of consciousness, even less remeber certain dreams which link up to reality and come true.

You are not yet one of those persons, but read the reviews, you will see others who know what I already know.

Dreams do come true.