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Reviews for "Avoid Posidon's Wrath"

hmm nice game

good game and all.. would be nice to have a high score :D

anyway i found a glitch if you stand on the left pad on the right side of it you can't be hurt..

i've been standing here for over 300 seconds now lol

not too shaby

its a good game and btw dont care about what triggerx10 have said to u
he's jus a queer with no life thats all

Not bad, in fact i like it.

It wasnt that good, but on the other hand it wasnt that bad wats the high score i only got a measly 48 secs... SOB ... LOL

Sucksicuted. Killed by suck. Sucktacular. Etc.

Here's a rundown of my experience with the game.

Game #1: I click play. I click play AGAIN. I focus on the playfield and try out the arrow keys. A wave comes up and kills Mr. Bubbles. I lasted for 3 seconds.

Game #2: I click replay. I click play. I clak play AGAIN. My hand finds the keyboard just in time to jump Mr. Bubbles away from the wave hitting the first platform. The wave doesn't even come close to him, but kills him in mid-air anyway.

Game #3: I click replay. Play. PLAY, DAMNIT! I immediately jump Mr. Bubbles to the second platform. Waves wash over the first and third platforms. And again. And again. Eventually two waves wash over those two platforms at once. It's 34 seconds in and nothing has hit the second platform. Finally, a wave brews under the second platform. I push up and left, and Mr. Bubbles dutifully walks off the platform into the void. Huh?

Game #4: Click click click. Okay, now I'm ready. Wave comes up under first platform, I jump to the second one. Wave comes up under the second platform, I jump to the first one. "Cool, this must be what the author intended." Here's another wave under the first platform. I push up and right. Mr. Bubbles flies into the air towards the second platform. He lands on the second platform, but--DOESN'T? In fact, he sails cleanly through the second platform, back into the void.

Game #5: I close the window, vowing never to open it again. I win.

well that was fun...

for about 10 seconds, then i stood still and notice the waves not touch me. Im just standing still at the moment, just hit 300...

and its not that addictive, the sound isnt great, but yeah nice water and background. Somethin more active to do please, turn it into a side scrolling platformer or something, with a timer counting down that u got to survive or get somewhere by..