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Reviews for "The Little Match Girl"

it's just soo sad

At least she's in a better place.

RegisCartoons responds:

You're right, buddy. Have a happy holidays !


That's such a sad story in the beginning but makes you feel all warm inside at the end. Keep making flashes, I think you have a natural born talent.

RegisCartoons responds:

That's a HUGE compliment for me, buddy ! Thank you very much !


ASh irgi lietuvis. NU nusistebejau kad chia lietuvis pasirodys tajp galingaj =]. MANO filmukai shudas bet ir kitu lietuviu chia ash nemaciau :|. Zodziu kurk daugiau =]

RegisCartoons responds:

Bet geeras, niekad nezinojau, kad Newgrounds.com tiek lietuvaiciu yra :) Aciu uz review. Stengiuosi garsinti musu Lietuvele cia :) Na va - yra jau mano THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL flashas frontpage'e. Chebra atsidarys mano profili ir paskaitys aha - Lithuania, Vilnius :) Linksmu Kaledu ir geru Naujuju 2005-uju metu Tau !


thats a coincidence for u. i have to do a report on Hans Christian Andersen.

RegisCartoons responds:

a sweet coincidence :D hope I helped you somehow :D Merry Xmas !


can anyone give me a list of songs in this piece of work? i loved the movie and great choice of music. So if anyone could give me the soundtrack in thier review or even if regis_cartoons could answer my review id be extremly grateful. Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

RegisCartoons responds:

Sure, buddy, I'll help you :)
Here is a list of soundtrack:
1. James Horner - Casper's Lullaby
2. John Williams - Merry Christmas
3. Traditional Chrsitmas songs - Silent night
4. John Williams - Oh holly night
5. ABBA - Christmas tree
And also some music tracks by Eric Serra from movie The Messenger
Hope I helped you, buddy
Merry Xmas !