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Reviews for "Jillian on the Ocean"

Not bad...

Not bad

like it :D

Looking at this I see the sky seems quite realistic thanks to how you drew the clouds. The rock makes me think someone got there before she ever did and painted it a bit.

The rock itself seems to look rather nice and with Jillian as well I like how they both have shades of color showing the light is hitting them from an angle rather than directly above as some other art pieces would do.

The heels, bra, and panties all make for a minimalistic and nice looking outfit on her at the beach. Her power kind of reminds me of Raven from the Teen Titans who has to keep control of her powers since they are powered by emotion. Jillian's power sounds slightly the same only it seems to be triggered by fear or rage during a battle.

Her facial expression seems to show that despite being a half demon she remains fairly nice towards other people.

Overall, background looks great, Jillian looks great. Best of luck with Calamity.

Review Request Club

DragonPunch responds:

Thank you! You have no idea how good that feels...

A nice young lady sitting on a rock in the ocean. I wonder how she got there? The shoes she's wearing don't look like she could go rock climbing with them, heh.

Anyway, I like the clouds in the background. They look very realistic. Maybe it's because they are in fact real? It's hard to tell, and that's what I like. Nothing worse if you add a real picture to a drawing and then anybody can tell instantly that it is a real picture... anyway, the rest of the background is a bit lacking. I would like it better if we could see an island or maybe a beach in the background. This would also explain how the nice young lady could reach the rock with those shoes. ;)

{ Review Request Club }

DragonPunch responds:

Well, you do have a point...Perhaps some time in the future, I can work on another character in the same setting.