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Reviews for "LittlBits Holiday Special"



not too shabby

the animation was average
and the sense of humor
was qwerky; however, i
did find it amusing how
those things...littlbits...
accussed the spirit of
christmas of being a
masticist pedophile.
thats a new one on me.
also, the voicework was
decent, but very monotous
at times. it was hard to
differentiate between who
was talking because it all
sounded the same.



it was funny! but if you're looking for the true meaning of christmas, I suggest you look elsewhere...


only non good jewish children? what about buddhists(SP)?

good animation awful script

yes, the animation was good;smooth.

and yes, the sound kicked.

but the script was awful and the dialouges worse.

your meant to make bad ass movies not lighthearted, like "santas celebration", what does santa do when he finishes giving up the presents?, hang out at the strip?, get stoned?, i dunno something like that.

even though you got the talent keep it up.