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Reviews for "The War on Terror"

this is propoganda

and you are such a moron u forget about 9/11 no real American is ganna believe what Osama Bin Laden says; he took out the USS Cole and Our embassies in 2000 and the late 90's. look i dont like the war in iraq either way too many American casuaties but its right that we take on and eliminate the anti-American, anti-Jewish communuity known by its euphamism as the Muslim world. ya its a religion, that Hates us! we are doing fine in Iraq and Afghanistan; Michael Moore said we have Fewer troops there in Ghanistan than police in NYC; maybe thats why we are doing so well there, few troops and more airstrikes and bombings. Move troops out of Iraq; we can switch strategies and bomb more of the middle east that way we can Win! thank you for reading.

outsiderzero responds:

if we were doing well in iraq and afghanistan, first off we wouldnt have over 1200 soldiers dead in iraq, and bin laden would be dead or in american custody. bombing countries right and left is NOT the way to go, unless of course we want to continue to anger the rest of the world, which unfortunately is the current route we are taking... iraq was completely unnecessary, and more troops are needed in afganistan to find bin laden.

^ ^

I would like to start by saying I gave you a 5. Informative, but missleading... I am going to rant about the war to you... but I want to ask you one thing... How long have you spent in Iraq?

I mean it is easy for people to sit far far away, and talk about how horrable the war is, but enless you have been there you dont know sh*t, cept, the "media's" version of it.

^ ^ interesting view, good job.

outsiderzero responds:

no, i havent been to iraq. however, i have seen images that you're not going to see in the american media: mutilated american and iraqi bodies, dismembered iraqi children. i do know what is going on moreso than some people because i do my own research into what's going on (ie- reading international news sources such as al-jazeera and the BBC) and dont believe everything that fox news and CNN says.


There is no need for this sort of propaganda on the portal! And how DARE you take the side of OBL?!?! They attacked us! If you want a statement, MAKE A DAMNED MOVIE!!! NOT SOME SERIES OF TEXT! Humor has 50 times the effect of text scrolls. Lemme counter you with some logic. If we stopped shooting at them, they would still shoot at us. It's impossible to reason with zealots. We are NOT against Muslims. I have some great Muslim/arab friends. We are against people who use Islam as an excuse to blow things to hell. Now out of my sight before I send others against you.

outsiderzero responds:

who says i'm taking osama's side? i was simply offering an opposing viewpoint. and yes, if we take away or at least minimize their reasons for hating us and wanting to kill us, they will back off and leave us alone.

yeah yeah...

Being against Bush has become such a fad.

You Got It Wrong

we are fighting them because they started it they started killing us

British troops had not killed one of them for about 2 weeks and they still attacked they won't stop unless we get the message clear to the people who fight our armys they want to chase us off and take over they are not killing us because we killed them they want to take over. thats all they want, not to get there own back!