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Reviews for ":ClickieClickie:"

I love games like this!....

Hey, this is neat as hell man. You really should be on front page. Games like this reminds me of another great game called "I.Q." which stands for (Intelligent Qube) I liked this so i'am not thinking twice about blamming it. Once you start playing it it's pretty damn addictive. That's the review, not back to whacking that ball. (damn those walls!)

guXit responds:

I'm glad you like it!

W00T! ^_^

5 man. 5. Nice use of Halo 2 music for one and it was just totally fun. Hard but fun. Keep making games this fun otherwise I will burn your corpse! =D

guXit responds:

Hah! I guess I have to make more games now :S!

Thx for the 10!

MAke another one!!

That was a great game man make more ill play them. haha at first it was hard but watever.....

For yu dumb craps that dun understand da game ok i keep the white thingy in the gray parts dun let it touch the black parts or yu lose. click the ball if the ball touches the bottom yu lose. so u have to click the ball keep the white thing in the gary parts and move up as the ball does and keep on click it till yu can go to da flashing yellow part without the ball touching the bottom mmkay? and if yu still dont get it well scrw yu man!!!

guXit responds:

I'm thinking of making a second version. With Lives and better Graphics.

Thx for the 10 :P!

Teh weird game ....

Where/how did you come up with this concept? Very well designed and executed ^_^

guXit responds:

I just sat down, opened Macromedia Flash MX, Started making a ball with gravity, drew a maze and made it a button, voila! The game was born!

Thx for the 10 dude!


22 click and I won all 20 levels, theres a glitch, hold mouse down. and it won't detect (me and my friend made one of these a hile back, thats how I knew the glitch)