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Reviews for "Soul Master PLUS"

Not That Fun

Yo it was ok for bout 2mins thn just got boring soz dude


Instructions were confusing

It took me about eight tries to realize that the black areas weren't flyable; I just started out and saw myself unable to move, making loud popping noises, and flashing red, and wondered what on earth was happening. Once I figured it out, it was okay, but you REALLY need some better instructions.


The only thing I enjoyed was the graphics and the sound, other than that, it was pretty lame doing the same thing over and over again.

This really wasn't worth playing

it gets kinda boring after the second level.


the game had decent graphics and smooth animation, but thats about it. the colision detection was horrible; i had to be halfway through a wall to count as a hit, and when it did i got stuck. also, whenever it did a game over for me, if i re-did the game it wuldnt let me get the souls. hell 2 was pretty cheap, i got sick of it at hell 4. hell 2's tombstone area kept getting me stuck and somehow i went through a wall.

all in all, this game was REALLY buggy, you need to re-re-do the code and put in some music.