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Reviews for "{425} CraZe"

orchestration was great, mixing only good

the levels in this song were pretty good, but the mixing left much to be desired. the bass was a little buddy and a tab bit over baring in the sub range. when the drums came in around :15 seconds i was stunned by its simplicity and effectiveness, geat work with the rhythm there. the clap was ok. i would have compressed that more.

the orchestration of this was great but the synth choice just simply sounded "familiar" to other songs i have heard. but none the less great crafting of your synthesizer sounds.

good work

Michael425 responds:

I worked pretty hard on different drum sequencing in this song. And I admit that the Clap/Snare that i used was not the best.

If you can tell me the name of one other song that has synths like this one, I will believe you.

Thanks for the great review man.


There is no more I can ask of this song. You have added most elements that make this a good song. I like all parts about this, you chose the perfect selection. Great job!

Michael425 responds:

I'm glad that I made the right choices for you man. It looks like it worked out.

Thanks for the review bro.

UNholy sickness!

That was one of the craziest songs I have ever heard! Jaw dropping crazy good!

Michael425 responds:

hahahah I love it. "UNholy sickness!". That's an awesome phrase man, I've never heard it.

It better have been crazy, or the title would have sucked ha.

Thanks for the review.


It almost kinda reminds me of megaman, and I LOVE MEGAMAN!!!!!!

Michael425 responds:

hell yeah, Megaman's a gangsta.

This music is perfect fo' him.

Thanks for the review.


I don't know why but this I could listen to while playing a video game that involves running from a pursuit. Great song by the way.

Michael425 responds:

Yeah man, I can see that too. This is some intense shit right here.

Thanks for the review.