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Reviews for "McMatrix"


Some of the animation was decent, but needs improvement. I'm sure you'll master it after one or two more tries.


The Matrix was just a dissapointment that spanned three films, and every time some body makes a spoof of it I die a little inside.

It may have been "original" but that doesn't make it worthy of dozens upon dozens of lack-luster spin-offs.

Please, people, stop making these things. They're awful.

Jinnaboy responds:

oooh, booo-fuckity-hoooooo, the matrix raped my childhood......the wachowskis are GAAAAY...... dude, this is a review section for my movie. not imdb or aicn's board for the matrix films.
keep struggling. one day you might find the courage to choke yourself and finally contribute

The Matrix Sux!

With all those flashes with the Matrix this one can add to the crap pile. The sound is ok, but whats with all the tigers??? Makes no sense to me. . . .


That was the biggest waste of my time since I saw Matrix Revolutions. There was no humor at all in that piece of filth. You should be pulled through the streets by your dick, brought to the center of town, and shot in the face, head, stomach, and kneecaps, at the same time. I hope your fingers fall off so that you can never again soil this site with this drivel.


Jinnaboy responds:

dude, i know i should take more time with a come back course you yourself obviously took time writin all that crap.....but, damn such detailed describtions.. is it from a personal experience? did going to the fair with uncle bob took a turn for the worse?

man, that was cheap


That was the funniest thing iv'e ever seen in my life, i nearly pissed my pants because I was laughing so hard. In case you can't tell im being sarcastic. Blam this gay pointless shit.

that was....weird.

why did you tryt to mix fast food with the matrix revolutions?