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Reviews for "Little Red"

Cool. Make more!

Make another one with a longer and better plot. Love the style!

not bad

Only problem with this is that you don't really know what happens at the end. Leaves you with a "WTF" feeling.

Can be good or bad, depending on how you are.

It ended to soon...

... but you are good at killing dolls.
where the clown came from?

What's up Tim Burton

liked it though, the clown didn't make any sense, little better story would have helped alot. Looked great

Tricky Clown != Big Bad Wolf

This contemporary gothic flash movie thing is getting old fast.
I tip my hat in your general direction for acknowledging Tim Burton, unlike a number of other 'spooky' Flash authors, as well as your use of raster graphics to show texture, and of course your obvious talent; but this movie's genre alone hurts it. I couldn't help but think "American McGee" whenever I noticed any reference to Little Red-Cap. The goth culture has been "adopting" the work of the brothers Grimm more often than the porn industry recently.
It's not so much that it's bad, when it's purely art-house, or testing sociatal boundries, it's just that after a while the concept starts to feel tired.

Fun Fact: "Little Red" is what my mom calls her '96 Chevy Blazer.