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Reviews for "The New Hitler!"

You want to be a turd?

Well,at least you're into achievable goals. Well,anyway,settle in,folks. With Bush winning the election,we're going to be sitting through this crap for weeks about how we the voters have let the country down by voting for who we feel is the better president instead of who we're told to vote for.

And really,why settle for Hitler? Why not go for the whole anti-Christ thing? Or is that too religeous for you?

Oh,and I voted for Bush.

Otomyte responds:


Vote zero, I want turd of the week!

Congratulations! You are a turd. And weak.
So that makes you 'turd of the weak'. BE PROUD, BE VERY PROUD.

Q: How does your movie/game become the Turd of the Week?

A: You shouldn't aim for this spot. The turd of the week is whatever movie managed to make it through the week with the lowest score and without being auto-deleted. We showcase these because they are usually funny (in a bad way).

It wasn't funny, it was just bad. NO ZERO FOR YOU!!!

I'll just vote what I think your age (or IQ) is...

Otomyte responds:

Hahahaha. Shut the fuck up. You're a fucking retard anyway.

I like the whole, "I'll just vote what I think your age (or IQ) is..." thing. That made me laugh. It's very clever. Too clever for this website, go somewhere else.

Damn straight I want Turd of the Week. More people will see this movie that way... but you didn't get that, did you? You're too retarded to understand what I was going for.

But, hey, thanks for watching. Also, you're first comment was pretty clever too... taking 'week' and turning it into 'weak'. Hahaha. CLEVER! You're a genius!



Obviously this has been done by some kid. First off I guess I will go on the quality of work he did. Not too bad....wasnt great but then again I see shit much worse than that every day on here. Now for what he was sayin in there. Wow you are an uneducated piece of shit. How can anybody trust someone that purposely injured themself so they could earn a fucking medal and go home...yes that is what kerry did. Now bush isnt great but America would have been fucked up the ass if kerry had won. And the draft.....yes he said that there wouldnt be a draft. However if there is a draft I can guarantee you and everyone else that reads this I am going to be voluntarily going and signing up....the military isnt in my plans right now but if my country needs me then I by God I am going to help out. The author obviously is some kid that has no clue as to what the election or the candidates were going for. I would personally like to meet this ignorant piece of crap. And yes I am a gun carrying, flag flying, bleeds red white and blue proud citizen of this great nation and believe that it is a privilege to live here and if that ass hole doesnt like it he can ask his mommy and daddy to move to France with the rest of the pussies.

enough ranting for now

Otomyte responds:

Shut the fuck up, gay kid. I can't wait to see your name in the headlines as one of the many people who died in Iraq.

ACTUALLY, I'd like to see the video of you being beheaded by some terrorists. That'd be so fucking funny!

American youth needs to be drafted.

It builds character and good old american values. It is very obvious that American youth are neglected at home and are turning into spoil punks. Good old military training and just what the youth need to get shaped up. They will get their loving attentions from their drill seargents and will never get neglected. They will learn good old american values or their live will be hell. Oh yeah just what the doctor ordered.


................. NOT!

Otomyte responds:

Hahah! Actually, you're right. American youth think they're so above everything.


absolutely brilliant...its a shame how republicans dont listen to the truth or look at the big picture, but i guess its no use that most of the american people are morons or money hungry assholes...oh well the worlds #1 terrorist got 4 more years