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Reviews for "Nightmare B4 Halloween 13"

well its too bad you cant turn off viewing reviews

the review that was currently displayed ruined the movie for me...good job idiot makdady mario...

SecretAgentRege responds:

Aww, it shouldn't have ruined it..? He just expressed that the last picture caught him off guard. Nothing jumps out or anything like so many flashes try to attempt.

Well, I implore you to take another shot at it.


dumb, stupid, retarded describes this game the worst game on Newgrounds

SecretAgentRege responds:

dumb, stupid, retarded describes this review the worst review on Newgrounds

Void! Yay! :D

this is the worst pice of crap i have ever seen

Its realy hard and do i need 2 say grose! The last pictures i saw was realy fucked up. Switch the pictures thats a tip. I stoped playing after a while. Not recomended for persons under 18 :D

SecretAgentRege responds:

Hahahahahaha... it was too hard and too scary for you? It's a halloween game, my brother. These pictures are form halloween (or "scary") movies, so, yes, some may be gruesome/scary/halloween-like. That's why there's a warning at the beginning.

Tell you what, I'll make an edition just for you, with fluffy pink clouds and gumdrops and teddybears, and you won't have to find anything.. you can just click and win! And winners can get a lollipop! Hahaha...

Seriously though, No one takes your review seriously. Aside from just signing up 3 weeks ago, you don't even know what you're talking about. Come on, a 4 for violence but a 0 for interactivity? Hahaha.. yeah, it was pretty anti-interactive. LOL.

Well, that about wraps it up, you sir are void, you twit.

i didnt find this game fun its crap

try again man this thing sucked

SecretAgentRege responds:

Ugh.. everytime I check the reviews, there seems to be up to 25 positive reviews followed by one like this.

Are you an idiot? Here let me give you a tip, noob. First off, no one respects you or this review, here's why:

You've written 9 reviews since you've joined NG a week ago, you've given almost every one an interactivity score of 10, yet they weren't interactive at all. The first game you've run into (this one) you gave all zero's. Let's run through it (since you won't get it otherwise). Graphics, ok, there weren't that many home-made graphics in here or you just didn't like them, justifiably, but certainly not a zero, but i'll argue for you. Sound? Ok, alot of the SFX were cheesy, the music; well I thought NG's own Kolst_Project did a pretty good job, but ok, so you thought he sucked, so a zero. Interactivity.. a zero? Well, I'm not sure what you consider "interactivity" to be, perhaps your mouse is broken or maybe you're brain dead? Certainly not a zero, can't stand with you there. Style? Well, this is subjective, but if you've no taste then I guess a zero is ok. Violence and humor, again pretty subjective, a zero is ok if you're not a fan.

Ok, so, you see my point? All you've done is made yourself look like an idiot (must not be that hard, eh?). You've made no effort to say in your review what you think could be changed, or made any constructive criticism whatsoever or even said what you don't like, for that matter. (Did you even play the game?)

Eh, atleast your spelling is correct, I'll give you that.

And this concludes my review of your review (see, wasn't that better?).

You may now consider yourself and any opinion of this game you may hold on to completely and utterly void of any meaning or content whatsoever, you twit.

Game's mediocrity overshadowed by maker's diatribe

Bleh...just not my kind of game. I would be fine at leaving it at that, but I have to say that the maker of this game is kind of an asshole to his reviewers, after reading a few of his comments. If I remember correctly, he derided people giving him bad reviews on the matters of how long they had been members of Newgrounds and whether or not they had submitted gamesof their own, as though these are prerequisites to having a valid opinion. These are only a couple of examples. I just find it strange that "SecretAgentRege" returns mostly constructive criticism with invective (no doubt he'll have wanted to call me "void" here). Kind of disappointing after a fairly well-made game, but the "0 overall" goes to you for being a berating prick.

SecretAgentRege responds:

Hehe, no, I concur. You are correct, not void. I do mention a user's lack of artisitc contributions to the site. When they "put down" someone else's creation and have created nothing, it doesn't stop them from having an opinion, however it does stop them from having an impact.

It is not a prerequisite to have made something, however, with people who have, or atleast tried, their opinion is weighed much more heavily than those who write a review of "this sucked." Roger Ebert writes screenplays and understands the workings of a film and story and what must be put into it, which is why his opinion is weighed much more heavily than a kid down the street saying "This was teh gr8!"

Plus, giving all zeros and saying "This sucked" is much different than giving all 0's and saying "Well, this wasn't really that good, but here's what I would change..." or even "Dude, make the buttons bigger" or "change the @#@#$ music."

Atleast that gives insight as to what needs to be worked on.

And I do take offense that you say i return constructive criticism with invectiveness. Where? There are many reviews with less than spectacular scores that offer constructive criticism and I respond to that and take that into sconsideration when creating more projects.

I will not deny that I may respond to quote "this is the worst pice of crap i have ever seen" with invectiveness (I would say quite the non-constructive statement). If you can't take it, don't dish it.

I'm sorry you believe I am a prick, but I only respond in such a way to those who show me that that is how they need to be responded to. You've shown me no reason to call you or your opinion void, infact, I value your opinion stated here.

I know the previous review (which is why I am guessing you wrote this one) may have seemed harsh, but he is new to the site, and I was trying to teach him that his review, well, to quote him; "sucked." It was not his opinion that did so. If he had said "this sucks, and here's why," then yes, I would be bitter, however, I would take what he said into consideration.

Anyway, to wrap up (I fear I'm running in circles), you're not going to change a game or movie by saying "this sucks" but you may if you say what could be different.

Thanks for the review and constructive criticism!