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Reviews for "Sleep Talker"


I want a gravity defying hat....I need that... for stuff... and things... Can I has one? I'll give you a shiny nickel if you will...also a cookie...maybe not the cookie...okay the cookie.

Been there...

...sorta. I sometimes walk around in my sleep. When I was little my bed was 5 feet off the ground and sometimes when my mother came in to wake me up for school I'd be standing up with nothing but my head leaning against the bed. Another time I think I may have gone for a dive from it. As I was sleeping for a moment I felt myself soar and then a thud. I open my eyes to discover that I'm laying face-down on the floor in the middle of my bedroom.
Also I once went for a stroll and when me parents decided to put me back to bed it turned out my bed sheets were all over the living room.

Sabtastic responds:

lol! That's cute.


Made me laugh, nice. Something like this happened to me a few weeks ago: JD was fast asleep on the couch, and he was holding a pillow. He had been asleep for a few hours now, and just out of the blue, he yelled, " I am NOT sitting next to Ron, and I FU*KING HATE SCRABBLE!!!" and he threw the pillow across the room, hitting Austin in the face.

This really made me laugh.

I'm going to have to check out your DA page. :D


love it! and yes my girlfriend has yet to let me live down the time i screamed out dont let them get me and when i woke up she asked who...my answer...the robot zombie dinosaur from space that plays the ukulele...it was a blue stegsuarus lol...anyways i love it great job