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Reviews for "Sonic's Last Life"


Good movie. FYI: Sonic has 3 lives XD!!!! Still good.


its been done before... its been done many, many times before :P.
but, overall it was not a terribly bad sprite movie. the plot was simple, as most of these types of movies are, but the thing is the animation wasnt too bad, and the sound effects were nice...
BUT, where the hell were the spikes that killed Sonic? i couldnt see them at all, haha, so it looked really weird when sonic said 'oh no, spikes! i cant stop!' and then he just died for no apparant reason, hahah.
overall, it was pretty short, but you have some skill, so nice work.

cloned-illusion responds:

Ah! The great reviewer who goes by the name of....M-A-R-C-U-S. First of all, let me say it is great to have you review one of my movies, since you make some good reviews and also because you made the thumb thing a well known power by you on Newgrounds.

Well, I think I'll start this response by saying this- you too missed the spikes being there in the movie. They may blend in with the background, but I guarentee that they are there.

Yeah, I guess this has been done a few times here on Newgrounds. I just wanted to make a parody on one of my favorite video game characters.

Thank you for giving me a thumb up ion this movie! It feels good to know that one of the top reviewers on this entire website has giving me "the thumb up" (patent pending, lol ;) ). It aslo feels good to know that more people realize that I have skill, and that makes me feel good. Thank you for reviewing this submission.



the sonic and eggman sprites where too small...and the backgrounds where to huge. go play sonic advance and compare it to your movie and you'll see it looks pretty fucked up. :P
I saw the spikes though, but they where streatched out kind of wierd so they sort of blended in. Sonic running look strange too because you only used one sprite for it when really theres like 5 or more sprites to make his running animation.
Graphics got 5 because of the sizing problem
Style got 10 because sprite movies are awesome
Sound got 6 because they cut off too fast at parts
Violence only got 3 because the only violent thing was him running it spikes
Interactivity got 0 because there was none
Humor got a 10 though because the ending when eggman was all happy and shaking around made me laugh

overall 6. It's a pretty good movie in all so keep making movies and you'll get better.

cloned-illusion responds:

Thanks for writing this review. This so far has to be the best review anyone has made on this movie so far. I think I will take your advice on the sizing, since you are right about that. I did cut off some themes because I didn't want to drag out the scene but so long. I understand the violence part. I don't understand the interactivity part though. I made that preloader and the buttons to replay the movie, not to mention the mouse hide to view the movie better. I'm glad you thought it was funny- that's what I like about parodies.

I still have a lot to learn about Flash, so that's why in a couple of weeks, I'm taking a community college course on Flash (this while still being in high school- chances are I will be busy. >_<). But hopefully, I will have time to make some more movies so I can get better.

Thanks again for reviewing!


well it's kinda non-funny and unexciting but nice sprites.

Very cute.

This is quite a cute little flash, no interactivtiy though, but very nice. Simple, effective, clear to read words. I like it a whole lot. I give All my 5 to this. ^.^