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Reviews for "EgoCity Chap IV"

The graphics were good...

But all the voices sounded exactly the same... and there didn't seem to be much effort put into giving feeling to the characters. It felt like they were just reading their lines from a script. If you can nail the voice acting, and make it mean something, this would be top-notch!

Great work...

But i do have one small criticism. It took too much of its ideas from final fantasy. I mean the entire intro couldve been switched with that of FFX and you would get the same feeling.

RH's scores, not mine

However, I do like this flash movie. Dude, it makes me want to get a flash program, but I do not have enough money to buy it. My friend claims he has one, so I asked him if he can do a favor for me. Anyway, the animation is very smooth. I guess using tween really pays off to the animators, lol! I like your artistic style, but I guess you got that a lot. The story is pretty much dramatic, but a little cheesy. Maybe you were not planning to make it into a soap opera. Overall, brilliant work!

Note from Raccoon with A Hammer:

He He! You wouldn't quit your day job. I like that! Your flash... Right! Yeah yeah, it's way better than the others. I mean, this flash got some style, and the story is tight. I kinda approved on having that STUPID Final Fantasy X bull$h!+! Okay, so it's a new spoof for you or anyone, but it's not for me. I kinda expect that from you, you know, all that video game references and spoofs from your site. So, I'm not impressed overall. But I gave you all 10s for these reasons. I'm your fan and you don't dissappoint me. I FREAKIN' LOVE EGOCITY CHAPTER FLASH!1! And I'm drunk! Godfriggindammit, you know how much effort it takes to make a graphically-challenging flash? I WANT MY FLASH TO LOOK FRIGGIN' SWEET!1! I ain't got no effort to continue with my bundles of flashes I'm workin' on! My life's ruin!... Sorry... continue with what you're doing. GOT IT? Good. Now, I must continue to drink!

Note from Dark_Volcano_Sam:

I red his notes prior to posting. I am sorry about what you red, but he wants me to post it like the way it is. He is busy with his flash movies. And I always thought he procrastinates, lol!

Very confusing

dnt get me wrong i thought this was an exelent animation but i jst found it hard to understand. good music editing though!!

Good work..

"That was one of the stupidist things i have ever seen in my life! It was a total waste of time!"

I don't know what that kid was thinking... he must not be a flash artist. I thought it was a well put together flash and hope you do continue the series.