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Reviews for "Fuzzy Math"

Good audio-editing

Whoops...looks like everyones already crowding the top of the soap box...guess I'll have to keep my opinions to myself.

Anyways, at the VERY LEAST the audio editing work on this is nothing less than stunning, usually when one tries to piece together a false speech it ends up being a mess of mumbling, distortion, pauses, breaks and stammering...this had very little of that.

The animation wasn't bad, nor did it really need to be.

Over all this is a great example of how an expert ear and creative mind can create a faux statment and make it sound wonderful...plus a nice little background song.

NOT so warm and fuzzy.

The Technical Overview:
Graphics. The images used were probably not the best the author(s) could get their hands on. I noticed some overstretching and graininess, and a lot of repettition. However, this is a double-edged sword--meaning that the inconsistencies have an effect on the Style, but that's for the next section.

Style. The style of this flash is very apparant. This movie was quite consistent and the musical selection it seemed to fit very well indeed. The graphics contributed to a sort of "retro" feel, which subtlely harmonizes with Bush's use of "Reagenomics" and his well known dyslexicon that detract from his sophistication, as well as the 80's-esque figure animations and the posing. These guys have managed to hit the sweet spot as far as Style goes. Tntended or no, this style is top-notch.

Sound. The beat mix in the background was a good choice, since Bush does not sing his speeches. It also contributed to the retro feeling mentioned in Style. Without that music, the graphics and style would've both taken a hit. The use of bush soundbites was ingenious. They didn't sound very much like seperate fragments at all, blended on a near-professional level. I wouldn't have any trouble believing that the TRUE hard work of this flash was put into smoothing out the sound.

Violence. As far as character assasination goes, this is about as violent as it can get. They certainly didn't pull any punches when they made this! You can just feel the bad vibes pouring out of it. In bush's shoes, I wouldn't be able to shrug it off, and knowing bush, he'd be very pissed. Thank God for the first ammendment. Count your blessings.

Interactivity. They included a "Play" button after the animation was finished and a 'loading' screen. That's always worth some pointage. For including this bare-bones-minimum staple, it gets three points. Have a cookie.

Humor. Now, I didn't really think it was very funny. There was anger behind this, and hatered. Call me an oversensitive pussy but when I feel something like that behind this, I just can't find the humor. Of course, others can. Seeing what I saw, however, I acknowledge that it would not be fair to deprive them with a score anything less than seven.

Overall, I can't say this is the best movie I've ever seen. It's no Jib-Jab--but there's always going to be a special place in Newgrounds for politics, and we should be proud to have such a comprehensive, compelling, and vociferous entry to join the family!

Happy flashing!

Catchy and painful and the same time!

That video was both funny and painfull to hear. God I hope if Bush gets re (elected) that he doesn't do what the authors made him say! I am not an American citizen so I can't vote. Vote for John Kerry hell almost anyone is better then Bush!

Now that was the truth my freind!

That was great, it told the truth about how he sucks and hes evil and made fun of him. All those jobs are moving to china and stuff. If you use computer customer service you talk to people in India. Thats an example of what bush did. He took jobs out of the US and put them in other countrys cause they didnt have to pay the workers as much. Now people who work for their money lose their job. And the snotty rich become richer. Down with Bush!


i liked it!
apart from the graphics (coukd have been better) and the soundtrack (the music was, sorry guys, crap) a funny satire
keep it up!