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Reviews for "Inflatable Jesus"

Well done!

Cool movie! It wasn't absolutely mind-fuckingly wonderful (I only gave it tens because numerifying quality is fucking retarded, so I just did it quickly), but it was eerie and interesting. Kudos. With my blessing, I'm sure you feel ready to tackle the new day.

well that guy shouold quit tryin to be an asshole

good job i like the first one better though.


I knew some form of Jesus would live for revenge!!

One hell of a Satanic Jesus though.


dude wtf is ur problem man?..do u kno how fuckin rude this is 2 ppl?..im not christian yo but this is juss wrong!..y the fuck wud jesus wanna kill sum kid in the 1st place?..hes the SON OF GOD he stads 4 good not evil..it wudnt of been so bad if it wuz jesus gettin his ass kicked by the kid or satan or sum shit..but yo..this is juss fucked up..try agen n this time try not 2 offend ppl

MrHappyFace responds:

I'm assuming that your review is written in Klingon. I will respond in Klingon so that you may understand me.

DaHjaj 'oH QaQ jaj Daq Hegh

joH'a' ghaH wIj DevwI':
jIH DIchDaq Hutlh pagh.
ghaH chen jIH nep bIng Daq
SuD tI' yotlh.
ghaH Dev jIH retlh vIHHa' bIQmey.
ghaH chenqa' wIj qa'.
ghaH Dev jIH Daq the Hemey vo'
QaQtaHghach vaD Daj name's chIch.
'ach 'a' jIH yIt vegh the ngech
vo' the QIb vo' Hegh,
jIH DichDaq taHvIp ghobe' mIghtaHghach,
vaD SoH 'oH tlhej jIH.
lIj DevwI' naQ je lIj naQ, chaH
belmoH jIH.
SoH ghuH a SopDaq qaSpa' jIH
Daq the Daq vo' wIj jaghpu'.
SoH anoint wIj nach tlhej Hergh.
wIj HIvje' qettaH Dung.
DIch QaQ je loving kindness DIchDaq
tlha' jIH Hoch the jajmey vo'
wIj yIn,
je jIH DichDaq yIn Daq Yahweh's
tuq reH.

A bit short.

Pointless, stupid, but kind of cool. Gotta love the ring on top of his head at the end. :)