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Reviews for "Galactic Debate 2004"


quite possibly the best political flash i've ever seen jib-jab included. it goes to prove that neither has the capabilities to make a sandwich let alone run a country. DON'T VOTE. but seriously people lets review the flash here not discuss politics. GREAT FLASHWORK !


Loved it...

Nuclear Civil War is on the way!!

Excellent work

This flash was really quiet enjoyable, keep up the good work, and dont forget to get off your ass and vote on Nov. 2nd.

Oh and Kaithan, I sincerely hope that one day you get to experience the joy and overwhelming satisfaction of watching 14,000 of your countrymen killed off for bullshit non-existent neo-nazi reasons. Watch your childrens arms and legs seared from their bodies as bombs drop amongst your suburban neighborhood (where "you shouldn't be since there's a war going on").
But in the mean time, until that day. Utilize your internet and read the news that is unbiased and propagandized (FUCK CLEAR CHANNEL). BBC, Al-Jazeera, Salon, Pravada, or any other news site out of this doomed nation.
We are living in a kingdom of fear and death. Where democracy and the american dream both died with Spiro Agnew and JFK. The working classes such as, well, you and I, are the cannon fodder. And what are we fighting for in the first place? To remove a 74 year old man dying of brain cancer from his throne of power, in a country that did like having him as their ruler. Socialism does work in some countrys my boy.
Educate yourself.

good work.

"No one has the 'right' to kill an innocent person"
Is that so, Kathain?
Well then, why is it ok to send troops to Iraq?
What are they doing there, having tea with them? I don't think so. They're killing them, plain and simple. Oh, and was it Iraq that had anything to do with 9/11? I don't think so. And don't tell me that it's about about Sadaam and his evil ways. What "evil doings" had he done since 9/11, or even years before 9/11?

...So that's ok then, killing innocent civilians? Oh, and let's keep doing it, shall we? Because they certainly can't govern themselves. Oh no, they are too retarded of a people to figure that out, right? Racism. That's all that mindset is.

So basically, your main message there was; Killing fetus's who don't have the concept of life yet is wrong, even though the reason why the mothers CHOOSE to do it is not only due to the inconveinience, but because they simply cannot afford to raise one, don't have the time to, or because they're not ready.
So that is wrong, oh God forbid if an unborn child doesn't get to live it's incredibly enjoyable life of poverty, but it's ok to go and kill thousands upon thousands of innocent LIVING human beings who did nothing but live a different life from what you're "used to".

RACISM. It's all it is.

very funny,

done well, and it doesn't play favorites with either party, which was obviously (based on the wild sense of opposition contained in the reviews of this flash) a smart move. good work, yo.

*vote third party.