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Reviews for "TTA Episode 015"

As always

As always TTA episodes are good. expect a 5 for every good submission, this is a really great series.


Even though I didnt get what the wholly 'ell was going on in this flash... I still liked it! Good Job!

Kirbopher responds:

Go watch the first 14 episodes so you'll know what's going on.


another super episode.
great work.

An overall solid series, with some minor diseases.

Ah, a decent flash series. Refreshing too see something that actually has some afterthought in it, instead of just another "BASS VS MARIO VS SONIC VS whomever I can put into this abomination before I get tired of it and decide to post a movie that ends before it begins". So very good indeed. Well then, let's get down the flip-floppity-flim-flam-flum then, shall we?

I have no particular opinions on the look and sound of your work, or well, I had, but Negrounds won’t let me post them. Review becomes too long. So I’m not goin to touch those subjects. Now, the one area where I would have some outright complaints would be in your story. It's a very nice idea, certainly. The whole Hack-esque feeling to the story, as well as the fact that you have a rich source of inspiration to draw from means that the story rarely gets stale and uninteresting. It could, however, benefit from better writing and presentation. For instance, Kirbophers death and subsequent resurrection, as well as his freakish power surge, gets VERY little explanation whatsoever. And if he indeed simply signed on again, where is the dramatic point in him losing a battle and dying, really? The attacks often feel a little generic, what with all the elements and the blasts of power and so on. Also, certain plot-points that could've been a little more fleshed out were mostly ignored. Mutante De Neo, and a large amount of villains gain very little backstory, when they could've become more interesting with only a few minor twists and turns added to them.

There are of course exceptions. The origin of Alphas power (A little bit of explanation to that static cloud would be nice), and the rivalry between Demon King/Nailock is pretty well defined, and lifts the story above mediocre. My tip to you would be to always try to make sure things are given a past that aren't explained during a few short seconds ("You killed my father, now you DIE!" Etc.), as well as always trying to be as open as you can. If you have some guy, always try to explain his actions and what he wants in the episode he appears in at least, unless he’s a mystery character. Guys that simply pop into the episode and only appear there, with very little background simply feels cheap.

And now, even more opinions. The choice of making it all "Internet in the future" is interesting, but remember: Always have a clear set of rules for this. If a guy who gets "killed" simply can get back to life again and again and again, nobody will care in the end (See DBZ :Well dangit, Goku died again. And just when Buffy is about to start.). Don't go there. It doesn't make for interesting plots. Also, the battles... I'm divided about these things. They go from interesting and cool, with "wow"techniques and fancy moves, to boring blastfests. That latest battle, with Demon King and Nailock, was excellent, even though I believe that Nailocks ice powers are somewhat weird... just how can he use ice? Demon King's a, you know, demon, so Fire makes sense, but Nailock? Some guidelines for just how one chooses ones powers in this Internet-world would be really nice. If just about everyone walks around with super-energy-power-virus-all kind of elemental attack, people won't think they're cool. Look at One Piece, if you will. People have lots of DIFFERENT powers. It makes it interesting when not two fights are alike.

So, yeah. A defined set of rules. A distinctive lack of cheap fights, always going way beyond the call of duty to make every episode make sense, leave no loose threads hanging, and try to have as many episodes that are linked together as possible. Graphics, sound, script, all that is up to you to enhance, so no tips from me there. Keep my advice in your heart, carry it with wherever you go, and give The Man Who Likes Da Moon all your money, because I am most certainly not him on his NGaccount, trying to weasel my way into getting our money Kirbo...pher 15. Yup. Not familiar with you at all. Not one bit.

Kirbopher responds:

WOW...well let me say this. Nailock was designed completely by m friend Colin from school, and I use the attacks he gave him is all. Also for the things that have no backstories, I ALWAYS care about Backstories. It's called "waiting for a while until a big revalation is made" and it's very traditional anime style. And I know I make a few plotholes sometimes, but what tv show DOESN'T. All in al, I think this is probably the most helpful review I've ever read yet. ^^


I know you gave links to the sites, but what were the names of the songs used? (specifically the track played when the narrarators are talking after a match, when someone wins a tournament battle)