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Reviews for "Rose At Twilight"


I'm amazed again by you. After snapdragon I thought I would see what else you had and wow! This song would go perfect in the middle of a fight scene. Very easy to use in a flash animation that's for sure. Great work! EPIC!


Nice solo, nice music.
Yeah its like a RPG-Styled but maybe it can change more!
I mean, it had good moments but sometimes its the same.
Continue on your work, I like a lot the guitar solo.
What I can expect of you in the future? A lot of things..!

NemesisTheory responds:

It being the same sometimes = creating a red thread for the song. It's not supposed to be a song for casual listening.. though if you find it enjoying to listen to it for a while on end, that's cool, I know I have a few soundtracks that certainly weren't intended for that purpose and I still like listening to it. XD

Anyway... I hope you understand that. And if not, that's cool too.
Thanks though!

Not bad

Sound quality and instrument selection were great and the song was pretty well thought out, however I found it to be pretty boring. The song remained stagnant throughout and I was expecting to take me somewhere new and it remained the same the whole way. I enjoyed the guitar solo but still found it to be somewhat stale. I definitely would like to see your future work though. Just take more time on atmosphere and telling a story through the music to give it more of that RPG dramatic feel rather than the "epicness" of the piece. Good job overall.

NemesisTheory responds:

I'd invite you to listen to some 'real' rpg boss tracks, then come back and tell me how many times those switch up purely for the convenience so that the listener doesn't find it boring. XD You wouldn't even pay much attention to that. It's all about creating a feeling. Final Fantasy X is a good example... on it's own the boss track doesn't sound like much but in the game it totally fits.

Anyway, truthfully I think you're missing the point of an 'rpg boss track', which is what this is supposed to be i.e not really intended for casual listening. It switches itself up more than enough for that purpose.

Sorry... I just don't agree with you. :(


True Epic, I can tell from the start, and the guitar solo is not bad either
overall amazing job

NemesisTheory responds:

Thank you :D


I love this! You did such an excellent job!

NemesisTheory responds:

Thanks! :D