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Reviews for "Moore Vs. O'Reilly"


I started this thinking "oh man moore is gonna choke and get his ass kicked" but it amazed me that it was actually the opposite. whenever moore's points were legitimate, O'reilly quickly asked him another question to deter people from thinking moore had answered. moore never ducks any questions, and o'reilly does CONSTANTLY. Moore asks, O'reilly gives a twisted answer. moore asks again, o'reilly repeats himself. moore asks again, o'reilly repeats himself again, and this goes on for like 30 seconds until they realized that o'reilly's stubbornness was getting them nowhere.

but whatever as it looks with the reviews, the people who went in WANTING somebody to win, came out thinknig that THAT person won. and its cuz they were both strong arguments, the difference is o'reilly had set questions to ask and moore had no idea what he was going to be asked, giving him a disadvantage shared by all guests of the no spin zone. but whatever. i went into this thinking O'reilly was gonna win, not wanting, but thinking. im proud of michael moore. fuck republicans.

cory i'm glad you posted this and didn't try to make it up to look like it was on the show. i liked the way you did this, you used minimal graphics so viewers would pay most of their attention to the sound instead of the visual, and put no bias on this. makes it much better than most of the political crap on here.

go oreilly

o'reilly won

Not bad/not applicable

Well, it wasn't so much as an entertainment presentation as just an exposition of information, so humor and violence don't really come into play much. What you did do was pretty well-done, and it was nice to see this sort of thing out there.

((( HAHA )))

Well first off i would like to suggest that if your going to animate something even just talking that to use more the 2 different views like you could move the body now and then, and now on the political content, moor is an idiot, its funny because there is always some moron challenging the pres and doesnt matter which pres in office it is there are just people that have there own opinions and feel they must be heard and feel they are just right, when in reality they have no clue what its like and with faced with the same situation they would do the same as any president in office...


Moore the fatso?

I don't like how people say "Moore's a liar/asshole and he's fat too"
being ugly automatically makes one a loser right?
Fox channels specifically chooses UGLY democrats to go against their 'good looking' republicans so viewers naturally root for the good looking one.

O' Reilly just kept avoiding Moores questions while Moore answered clearly, knowing his facts.

I remember having my first impression on O' Reilly when I first heard him, he kept repeadedly saying "YOUR A MORON YOUR AN IDIOT" and thats what made me hate him. He always cuts the others off when they're WINNING too. jerk,coward, and liar.