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Reviews for "John Kerry in Vietnam"

Worst Movie ever!

I would like to start of by saying Kerry is not a moron or boring.(Anybody whos welling to miss a sentate meeting to do something else cant be that boring.)

Although Kerrys service is questionable atleast he served. Unlike some presidents. And did not use political favoritism to cut infront of 200 other people on the waiting list to join the national gaurd and then go awal for his last to years of service. (awal from the National guard? Who would want to do that, all they do is drink beer watch t.v.)

I would like to mention that I bash bush because these things are true and not lies, and I stand up for Kerry becuase he has the honor to take all these hits and not lie right back to restore his own integrity.
I would also like to mention that i donot support Kerry in this upcoming election, I would much rather Nader win but thats not going to happen so why try.

Who accually belives this pile of poo

All i can say is wow people make up alot of shyt to premote the candidate they want even though a cirtain candidate never served during the war and well never really did his duty while he was in the military not alot of people know this but im about 99% sure i know the reason why he stopped showing up for duty at the national guard the reason i belive he stopped because its well known he was a cocain addict and well he had to take a medical exam for the national guard the reason he joined in the first place is you need some military service or you cant become president and well if he took a physical and it showed that he had drugs in his system he would be dishonorably discharged imagine how that woulda looked on his record although he was going to be dishonorably discharged for not showing up for duty but daddy made a few calls his daddy accually made alot of calls for bush one being getting him in to the national guard in the first place even though there was over 200 people in front of him with better scores on military training and tests also he was gonna be turned down to go to yale but again good old dad had his back ant the system great kick the people who earned it out for the dumb with political familiy members

you must be a republican

You do realize that at least John Kerry didn't go run off and hide with the national guard to avoid the war, dont you. Unlike Bush who had his dumbass paid through Yale with failing grades and sat in a classroom for 20min. when he was told the twin towers had been attacked. do you really want him in the oval office so much as to sacrifice alot of stuff your probably not ever aware of? Bush passed a law saying that if a factory or something wasn't using all of its pollution rights, it could sell them to other factories, hence, speeding up the process of the human race destroying itself. Anyway, being an indepent with republican intentoins, im going to have to say no to bush.

not funny

Making jokes that involve Vietnam is just not funny. Even though this flash mostly targets Kerry it still doesnt seem right. Vietnam is very serious and shouldnt be parodied with Kerry as the topic. This flash seemed to insult the seriousness of Vietnam. Sorry but this isnt a good flash.

Like a monkey with a shotgun....

Sometimes certain entities just shouldn't learn how to do things, lest they misuse them. This guy, for example, should never have been taught to turn a computer on. Satire is funny when it borders on truth... whereas this long, painful abortion throws a bunch of weak 'Nam cliches together and stamps Kerry's poorly-drawn face on the front of it. It wasn't good satire, and even if the "John Kerry" depicted were totally fictional the cartoon would fail because it simply isn't funny, famous people or not. This is hands-down one of the worst "political cartoons" I have ever seen, and I've seen some bad freaking cartoons.