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Reviews for "Wario Gets Straight"

What's so great here?

I think this movie might have had potential somewhere, maybe... or maybe I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt because it reminded me of a really lame VGDC rippoff project. What was so great about the movie anyway? I don't agree to bashing gay people, but then again I can hardly call this gay bashing because all the characters were fairly stupid. I didn't get the mario or superman gags at all, or was there even supposed to be gags there, seemed totally random. The Bass barkeep character was weak at best, warrio was 1 dimensional, and Luigi came across as stereotypical stupid homophobic white trash that is most common on badly scripted Jerry Springer episodes. As far as I could see, the setup was Warrio is gay and likes Luigi, Luigi doesn't like Warrio, Warrio refuses to take no for an answer, so Luigi is presented with a chance to change Warrio so he's not gay? Well as I said, it could have had potential. If you changed that last part from trying to change Warrio to just simply getting away or setting him up with someone else, who knows it could have been really entertaining. The best part of the whole thing, and the only part I really liked, was the Pokemon ripoff; that was, actually, decently done.

WOOT?? The reviewer before me had a sexchange??

Wtf, you're fucking sick man/woman...
He can think whatever he want about homosexuality... you fag!!!
As long as we don't bother ya weirdos don't you bother us!
Go and suck some male dick, you faggot...



Yay for fag bashing?

I had a sex change five years ago from male to female... I am not about to congratulate somebody on a great looking cartoon that bashes homosexuality.

Also, do you know how stupid it looks when Luigi says, "Your stupid"? It should be you're, not your... We learn about conjunctions in what grade in the states? I don't mean to be mean... but... seriously.

This is the ONLY harsh review I've ever done. I like your cartoon style, just not your sense of humor and your lack of grammar. Fix those things and you're doing pretty well.

I never thought it would happen...

Y'know those morons who say: "and THIS made it to the front page!!??"... Well I am now sorry to say I've joined the club...
*ahem* Here goes: And THIS made it to the front page!!?? It's clear to me now, that this thing is NOT a democracy... not that It matters, but why is there a review category for violence, yet not for "technical complexity" or "plot" or "origionality" or while we're at it... "language"... ugh... C'mon make something uplifting... not just more recycled pap. (Pap: Wario is gay. He didn't touch Mario). Look I could go on... but Instead here's a compliment... Luigy dragging Wario away from the Troll? Funny.