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Reviews for "YAAFM 9: Michael Moore"

stay out of our country!!!

i don't want his fat socialist ass in my homeland! he spoils Canada's purity! he so pathetic redirecting his own self lothing
about his fattness on the world and p.s. Michael ALL store and resturant chains started out small ya idiot, Regi was right.

Let's take a step back here, folks...

JuddX, fishguy10, Gene-Siskal, ironzealot, TheReverendAzrael, TheWalrus, and Michael Moore himself....I am of the impression that NONE OF YOU ARE FUCKING MORONS! That's right - amazing, isn't it? How can you all be Good Guys on Different Sides? These are xenophobic, mean-spirited times we live in (as if it wasn't enough of a clue that when a foppish, sarcastic Hell-beast who calls people FUCKING MORONS for a living comes along, he is hailed as the Voice of Reason). In such an environment, what ought to be a genial, reasonable critique can make other genial, reasonable people...defensive. The Human Race is dependant on trust - when and where it evaporates, things fall to shit, and we're left with pathetic, laughable, tragic substitutes like governments. But I digress. These posts, this cartoon, and Moore's initial comments stem from a near-universal feeling that we cannot trust those we don't know well to be rational, decent human beings - so we naturally recoil to defend our own asses, and since all human beings work the same for the most part, we fracture from there on out. When people who like Michael Moore see something like this, they get more nervous and hostile than they otherwise would because they know that he has been the subject of irrational - indeed false - attacks on the part of powerful bullies who didn't like being tattled on, so when TheWalrus simply points out that Moore's not perfect, they fear it's just support - or at least extra ammunition - for the genuinely unreasonable people. Different people put different amounts of emphasis on different words, too. fishguy10 may have seen Reginald's monologue as unambiguously harsh, but TheWalrus has got noteworthy people like Michael Moore and George W. Bush roped in here with featherweights who merit no attention whatsoever like Jessica Simpson and Britney Spears - he neither takes himself terribly seriously nor expects to be taken seriously. Now I myself have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and coupled with my lifelong concern for the world's problems, I've always had a hyperkeen awareness of the Butterfly Effect potential of my words and actions to ripple outward in unintended ways - especially under the auspices of modern technology, where 3 meager seconds of poorly thought out, throw-away behavior can be preserved, scrutinized, and replayed for all eternity. I'm pretty sure TheWalrus is less neurotic than this - a trait he shares with Michael Moore. The man clearly has 0 PR-savvy. He's fat, he's been known to sport a neckbeard, he has no head-to-mouth filter, he makes NO EFFORT to make himself presentable, general D&D Charisma score of 6, yet he lumbered right up to America's image-ruled media and attacked Bush on national TV back when nobody else famous was! That's why I think he's trustworthy enough - as a certain George Carlin once put it, "the real cynics are the ones who tell you everything's going to be alright." If he was really slimy, he wouldn't LOOK so slimy. Pardon me if this *essay* seems disjointed or whatnot, but distractions have been profuse. Point is, if I just twist my brain around enough, I can see where most everyone on here's coming from, so I think most everyone can do that if they just take the time to do so. Being scared, angry, and powerless sucks - especially of/at/against other scared, angry, powerless people.

P.S.: Heck - I'll give you a '4' Interactivity for the in-show pictures of fans. That would count, wouldn't it?

fishguy10 is fucking dumb.

First I want to say that YAAFM is great. It's hilarious and one of the best flash series I've seen.
As for the fucking moron before me, are you trying to put the fault of our forefathers on the current generation? Dumbass, I didn't ask for Indians to be massacred and thrown out of their homes so I could have a home. Blaming people for something that happened over 100 years ago is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard? And no one knows what Romania is? Please. It's a country in Southeastern Europe. To just assume that nobody knows what it means, well I don't know if there is a word to describe that kind of stupididty. I know your type, a fucking tool who has no thoughts of his own. Michael Moore claims to be intelligent and claims to stick it to the man, so because he says it, you think its right. I'm no supporter of Bush, but I''ll be damned if I let someone think my own thoughts. I bet that you saw the episode where they made fun of Bush, thought this show was great, and then saw the Moore episode and thought the show was dumb, just because they picked on poor Michael Moore. What a fucking tool. YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON!
Back on track, yeah this show is funny. I don't alwasy see eye to eye with Reginald, but its extremely rare when it happens. Keep up on the good work. Sorry for the long ass typing but the asshole before me had it coming.


A spectacular argument Mr. Purple thing. You managed to go the entire show without adressing a single argument that you brought up. Rather, you would bring up an argument, and then attempt to discredit Mr. Moore. Brilliant. I wonder why I didn't think of... Oh yes, because it doesn't adress the argument in the first place! Furthermore, you took so many quotes out of context to so. And lastly; criticizing him for propoganda? My good man, what do you think this show is? Congratulations, you ARE a fucking moron. Thank you, thank you.

Now thats what I call right's and rage

This was brilliant , its almost like Micheal Moore is trying to be funny in his interviews. Makes me want to vomit. Anyway apart from the quality of this flash, Its also good that you sparked some contraversey and got these "canadian" idiots on here telling you to off. If I were you Id laugh at that. Silly Canadians