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Reviews for "Ep 2: Dog V.S God"

Made me laugh!

Like it very much.. And your other movies; like em to! Keep it up!


I'm actually really curious to see where this series is going. The quality of Dog vs God is about 10 times better than Dog vs Satan. Not much to the story line, but I guess you can go wrong with fart jokes and a cute dog.

Maybe I will be surprised next time.

So what... old people get blasted at by God?

Random Rambling:
They have poor anal control as well. Plus all horses. I was just riding one a couple hours back when it decided to stop and do some, about twenty seconds after the one in front did one, and then one started sniffing it. They have very poor house training...

Notes on show:
A fairly good battle, needs more fancy moves though; effortlessly killing a couple of cherubs and a blue glowy thing isn't enough to impress me. I need a fight to interest me- not a slaughter.

not as good as the first

make one where the dog fioghts osama bin laden and his terrorist army.

Any way as i was saying in my last review i live in the suburbs of america's worst city, camden Nj ( by the way New Jersey is the state that is crawling with Italians, ugh there is too many of them)
Also, my dad went to north ireland, (remember hes a protestant) and he says that there are rhododendrians over 40 feet tall. My brother has several irish tatoos.

JohnQuinn responds:

I am from Northern Ireland. Belfast to be precise. Where all the bombs go off apparently. Although in almost 20 years of my existence I have not experienced an trouble whatsoever. Most of the people here couldn't give a shit hether you are prodestant,catholic, jewish, hindu, black, white or blue. Most of my friends are prodestant, I went to a prodestant school and live in a mainly prodestant area. I have no bother at all, even with the name John Quinn which would usually stand out like a sore thumb. Why am I telling you this? because i can't sleep, that's why.

Good, butt...

there was way to much shit in it :s
i gave the sound a 9 bcz of the battle song and for the humor...
well I guess you think pood under angels are funny