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Reviews for "Sprite Survivor - 3"

dis be teh shizzle bizzle

this' sum goud shit man
fighter an faris

Hell-Fire responds:


Thanks for votes and review

Very nice

U have improved from ur frsit survivor ^^ oh yeh i vote faris and figher.
arg i love this flash serie ^^ can u tell me the releace date of the next one?

Hell-Fire responds:


Glad you liked it. You can check my profile to see progress reports such as how amny scenes done, scene left ect.

Beter than pie and Survivor rolled togeter.

MY votes: the useless Fighter and the dumb Faris. >>

Gota love this serie, GO ON!

Love the blood count, the figth was great, especyally how you timed every... wait, I should shut up before I make spoilers >>...

But what is Bartz up to anyway?

He's prolly more dumb and naive than I gave him for.

Anyways... Who wants to bet Link will be the replacement? >>

Hell-Fire responds:


Who want to bet hey? you will have to wait and find out. Thanks for votes and review

Again, nice.

Cecil and Bartz singing an angry song whilst butchering each other seemed kinda... forced. All the other music was spectacular though. The bad-boy Mario was amusing, and Arc is freaking sweet.

My votes go to Fighter and Faris. I actually like Fighter better than Bartz, but Rosa'd have a hard time getting revenge if Bartz was voted off so it defaults to Fighter.

(Anglela kicks ass, partly because she has the best sprite, and partly 'cause I love Sieken Densetsu 3.)

Oh, and glad to see that Sailor Moon stayed in. She's a riot. Just so you know though, her name (in the english version) is Serena, not Sabrina. It's Usagi in the japanese version.

Anyway, keep up the good work.

Hell-Fire responds:


Hmm, someone told me last week in their review that her name was Sabrina. Ah well, thanks for that. Glad you enjoyed. Thanks for votes and review

I vote....

Mario and Megaman off. I feel they are unimportant to this story line. O, great moives I know that I love them as do a number of people I know. I just wish that they would come out faster.

Hell-Fire responds:

sorry voting ended a long time ago. I have exams at the moment so i havnt been working on them that much. So far I am about half way through