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Reviews for "Checkpoint... Done"

U R 2 Fun-E!

Hilarious! Though I didn't play "Halo" on Legendary, I still suffered many times through that stage. You go, boy!

Library does suck....

Thanks for making this movie because i went through the same crap over and over. Even on co-op my friend kept on falling behind and getting blown up. And if you make a sequel show the end of the library where there are over 20 flood. By the way...Jakamo YOU SUCK ASS XBOX HAS THE BEST GRAPHICS BY FAR!!! LOOK AT HALO ND BUTCHER BAY KISS MY ASS FAG.O and if Im not mistaken warcraft 3 sounds when he killed the two floodings? Because I play warcraft 3 alot if so Whats your account because warcraft 3 rocks so hard.

P.S. This is my wc3 tft account.

"Ahhhh, I am a genius. *crazy laugh*

I know just how it feels to get close to the checkpoint and then get killed by Shotgun weilding blob of spinich. The cartoon is really good, but I have to just make this statement, just for laughs: hmm

"You're Humor level is only a class two, I suggest you upgrade to at least a class twelve"

I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself. The cartoon is awesome and I give it full 10's.



You people arguing about videogames have to be the biggest losers ever. Go get a girlfriend. Please.

Hey Jakamo FUCK U

ok Jakamo i read ur little fag ass review, and u know what, u suck. Xbox is the best, no memory cards are needed, no fucking eithernet shit needed(just the cable) and unlike the ps2 u can attucley talk to other gamers. Gamecube sux worse, what are u 8?! xbox is the best, halo 2 itself will sell more than all the gamecubes sold world wide,
now to the movie, thats funny, real good, i know that feels going back and forward then back again till u say, FUCK THIS, and then u get mad, then about 5 mins later u there trying to kill the damn flood. hehhe i'm going to play that level as soon as i'm done with this review ;)