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Reviews for "Checkpoint... Done"


awesome can u make on about the maw on legendary

Good Job

I loved playing legendary on Halo the first one becuase it was so much fun to do suicide runs with another friend(co-op). Also I can relate to the blue gay thing that always sang and did stupid things. I loved it it was hilllarious.

You had to revert to saved on the library??

it was hard on legendary but not that hard wow. this was funny as hell though. I HATE THE STUPID MONITOR

I hate the Library.

I know how you feel. It took me half a day to beat it on Legendary. I wish that the shotgun shells could do that. And I wish you could shoot 'Spark. Man. Then maybe the game would end quicker. And then Foehammer would prbably still be alive. Great job man.


i wish i could do that so bad