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Reviews for "IBR-ClockDay"

that was excellent!

one of the best today!
plus i'm in it, ^_^
you'll be in my next one <3

StampedHand responds:

Ha, I love your guy's character design, so I use him in all my movies. I’m glad you liked it.

you need to use more clocks than you did

there are far more clocks than you have in this flash.
and reporter clock. i understand your concern for your religious issues but you should'nt put a whole lot of thought into it because 1 clock day is'nt a nationally or internationally celebrated holiday and it also is'nt even a religious holiday don't analyze so much.

but i agree the swastica and nazi stuff it offennceive to more than just jewish people it is a symbol of pure hate and it was used improperly the olny time it should be seen is if your doing something historical. remember newgrounds viewers are not just cristians or white trash alot of people may have been offended remember that next time okay?

StampedHand responds:

Whoa man your taking everything in my movie too seriously. I wasn’t trying to make clockday seem like a Christian holiday or anything. I just wanted to throw some other holiday garbage decorations into the background to give that effect of an over done up house. I also didn’t put the nazi in because I think they're cool or because I like nazi's. I put it in there because I thought it was funny but as I was finishing up that scene I realized it was pretty dumb that’s why I had banana say "nazi jokes are over used and thus not funny". See a joke that’s all it was, sorry if it offended anyone. And about me not having enough clocks in my movie. I put a dam well lot of them in it, if you look at the backgrounds there are people in pictures and other weird places. Besides its not like I have to put every person in the world in my movies.

Anyways, I'll take what you said into consideration when making my next movie. But if I have a idea I think is funny I’m probably not going to look at every angle of it to make sure it doesn’t offend anybody cause that just takes the fun out of it. Anyways thanks for the review and I’m guessing you liked my movie cause you gave me a 10 in everything. Thanks



Listen, even though I'm going to give this a four, I'd jsut liek to tell you that I feel a little offended, I'm jewish, and you used both a nazi and a cross as clock day symbols, and then jesus tried to explaint he meaning of clock day. not all clocks are christian so it kinda bothers me. but aside from that it was a great movie.

StampedHand responds:

Sorry about all that. I didn’t intend on making everything so Christian and nazi and anti other stuff. I just kind of turned out that way. I originally planned on putting other religious stuff in there to make everything hunky dory with everyone of other beliefs but I kind of forgot after that cross. Now that I look back at my movie I see it was a little oriented to the direction of Christianity, which wasn’t my plan at all. I wasn’t sure about who I should have talk to banana, I first was going to just use the word "god" that way it would work out but I guess I thought Jesus sounded a little funnier. I'm not a Christian myself, I’m not anything really so I guess that’s why I didn’t see anything wrong with my movie.

Now about the nazi, I find nazi's very funny. Everything about them is pretty funny if you think about it. The way they march, talk, act, and hate things, all very funny to me. I put that nazi in there as a joke, yes a pretty unfunny joke but a joke all the same. I'm actually not using anymore nazi jokes anymore because I feel they've been kind of played out. So you can be happy about that.

Once again, I'm sorry to anyone I’ve offended in the process of showing this movie. I really didn’t think it was that bad, But either way sorry. I'll try not to do it again unless I have a person of every ethnic background making the movie with me telling me they don’t care about what kind of humor I use, ha I’ve found a loop hole!


lol, funnay stuff!

LOL, good to see you finally got it done! ^_^

very nice animation and the sound was good too!

StampedHand responds:

Thanks my good friend.


Before I forget, Happy Clock Day. I really liked the beginning part, with the X-mas atmosphere. The Jesus spoof, too. I was expecting something bad to happen to Banana, though, like a lightening strike or something. Nice job. :)

StampedHand responds:

Laziness and lack of time killed the awesome ending to this movie sadly.