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Reviews for ">>LOZ: The Lullaby of Time<<"


Very well done! It sounds very professionally sung and it's also very good. What software are you referring to? Vocaloid?
Where did you get those lyrics?
Anyways, I loved this remix. This should so be used in a Zelda flash. :D
Great work!

-HFX ^_^

VGSongbird responds:

I use Mixcraft. It's pretty good -- pretty pricey-- and all the effects were added, I just did this in my bedroom.

The lyrics are some borrowed, some original. I browsed to see what other people that had songs like mine used, but there wasn't enough lyrics for what I wanted; so I researched latin phrases and words and came up with the rest.

Haha I think i'd pass out of happiness if someone used this in a flash.

beautiful and useful!

this sing is mystical and i used on my neighbor's baby when i had to babysit and she was getting restless and she fell asleep.

VGSongbird responds:

haha really?!?!

I'm glad it really did work as a lullaby

These haunting hymms shall echo timelessly

Dear Alisa,

I have a tendency to keep silent when listening to music; I rarely comment unless I have the undying urge to do so. And this masterpiece is one of those rare pieces that had rocked me to the very core that I could not help but be lost for words, yet I need to express my amazement and gratitude for the existence of such a beautiful and captivating melody being posted on Newgrounds.

True enough this isn't entirely original; being based on one of the songs from the most amazing video games of all time. But listening to the distant voices, soothing hymms and haunting lyrics, this piece can most certainly pass off as its own.

I truly enjoy vocal pieces such as this; it can most certainly join the ranks of vocal music from the .hack series and even Enya. To be honest, I had been searching for years for a music compilation of choir and gospel music that just brings out the magic of the human voice and their ability to haunt, captivate and inspire us. But unfortunately all I hear nowadays are just upbeat, cheap remixes of jingle bells, tuneless rap, emo music, and rarely do they make new age music in the same way as Enya anymore.

And how unexpected it was for me to find what I really needed in an unlikely place such as Newgrounds.com, where heavy rock and techno music flourish! Even if this piece was based on a videogame that would be deemed childish by the older generation, that doesn't mean that it cannot be epic on its own. This is more than just a videogame music. Iti s a fantastic work of art. I can say for sure that I did not come here to find this piece of music; this piece of music found me. And it caught me by tremendous surprise. And it somehow brought back a piece of me that I thought I had lost through the ages.

As I listen to the vocals, I can't help but imagine lying at the centre of a bright, white temple, surrounded by flowing water around me in a circle, with a hundred angels coming down from the rays of light cast upon me, singing to me a song that I could not understand, but I could feel though my emotions (and that what makes Latin so awesome when it comes to music). The voices sing aloud, then suddenly drop into silence, before coming back with soft whispers and humming. And with that, all my worries melt away into the water, all my stresses have died down, and I can sleep comfortably again. I feel peace and tranquility overwhelming me. You certainly have a fantastic voice which breathes life and majesty into the song. Should you consider a career in singing music of this genre, I'd say go for it, as I would gladly be your first supporter. Both you, and Pixie Tricks from Overclocked remix are great non-professional singers. You should try to listen to her LOZ:OoT songs too; maybe one day you two could collaborate!

Honestly though, I have yet to play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I do not own an N64, but I do have an emulator and an existing ROM on my hard drive; I played the first few hours and it was great. And now I feel like playing it again just to see where did this wonderful music originated from.

Thank you for making this piece; this tune will certainly keep playing in my playlist for a very long time, alongside the great new age music legends such as Enya. It is this kind of music that is timeless and soothing, that if heard for many years to come, it would be impossible to place a date as to when this was sung. That is why such music is everlasting. Thus, these haunting hymms shall echo timelessly...

P.S. I'm thinking of writing some music of my own soon, and I may need someone with the right voice to sing for me. I need a voice that could breathe life and essence into the song, and make it more than just simple words on paper. I'm currently a University student, and my schedule is always at an inopportune moment, thus I was initially demotivated to write music. But your voice inspired me, and now I feel like I need to bring out the music that keeps playing in my head to share with the rest of the world. I hope we can keep in touch.


Sidney (TerrawindX2).

VGSongbird responds:

That was a long, heartfelt review. Thank you for taking the time to write me... well, to write me this letter ^_^
I do have some originals that I've written that you'd probably be interested in. My old manager used to tell me he got a really New Age "Enya" feel from my songs, and I guess he wasn't the only one!

I would LOVE to sing something for you. Just let me know ^_^

~ Alisa

Very nicely done

Wow, this is extremely reminiscent of HALO, also, you have the voice of Aphrodite. What can I say, this is just utter top notch, you should be on *is about to go into self-loathing* "American Idol" your voice is that excellent.

It reminds me of both HALO and various Final Fantasy games. I am just in utter awe of how excellent this is. Very well done.

VGSongbird responds:

Oh American Idol; you make fools of us all ^_^

Thank you for your review.

This song really is reminding people of other games.

You are amazing! I can't believe I'm just now hearing you. You are my new favorite.

VGSongbird responds:

Thanks! that's fantastic! :D