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Reviews for "The KERRY Kampaign"

this review goes out to datdamonfoo

Ok you errogant son of a duck fucking clinton loving piece of shit bitch, let me open your eyes to the truth. Number 1, i hope you know that there is a special place in hell just for you. Number 2, you don't seem to realize that if Kerry makes it into the white house he will send 40,000 moir troops into Iraq you dumbfuck!(at least thats what he says at this moment). So you have alot of room to be saying that Reagan caused a shortage of workers! Third, if Bush didnt do what hes done and Irag DID have WOMD then we would be in our fucking graves you stupid shit! As far as the religion goes you are damned to hell when you die. I would addres the rest of the things you said but your not worth it. Dick weed

i agree

I'd love to poke fun at how ridiculously stupid this is, but datdamonfoo did it for me. as a political cartoon, this sucks. as far as animation goes, it sucks. i guess the sounds ok, but anyone with an editing program could do it. hell, you could do it with windows sound recorder.

Had it's ups and downs...

First off, I wanna make it clear that Bush is an ass who doensn't even deserve to live in America. Now that you know where I'm comming from:

This flash has some strong and weak points. The graphics were grainy, and the Kerry face animations were basic, although they were fluid. Many of the photos used in the movie were extremely grainy, and even though they may have been the best available, they make the movie look crummy.

The sound was excellent. The quality was high, the timing of the music and his "speech" was near perfect, and I was amazed on how the different sound bytes by Kerry could be put together so fluidly. The speech itself, although I didn't agree with the making fun of Kerry, was pretty funny, although immature at times.

All in all, this was very well made, especially given the limited resources. I sincerely applaud your work, and say "Screw You!" to your opinion.

"You get the bill"

We all know thats exactly what will happen, taxes will go up. Not just up, but way up. I dont need some liberal know-it-all who doesnt deserve to be in the white house telling me what to do. The only thing he can do is take our money and spend it "for us". We, as an american people dont know how to spend our own money? Yeah, right, freaking liberals are the reason for why the welfare system is flawed, because its not a persons fault they dont want to work, so, lets just give them the money of people like me who work our asses off for money. Good flash. Kerry sucks, i dont like Bushy boy either, but Kerry is the greater of two evils.


Some people shouldn't take this too seriously of course. Otherwise it had its moments.