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Reviews for "adam fulton goes 2 heaven"

fuckin' hilarious

Well, I knew Lifecorpse sorta. A shame, that besides the gay humour and your personal disliking of eachother he would've liked it himself. He was also a bit deranged thoug. That was the best anim of you so far.

eddiebalin responds:

Wow! A ten from you.

Made my day (relly!)

When you see my next flash "eddie balin meets foamy" (yes, THAT foamy) I hope to move up on yur favurites list (from last to next to last?)

BTW I garentee that that will be my best evur, just wait and see, wait and see...

Thanks agan!


PS yur an outstanding flash artist yurself, as if you didnt know.

im scared :'(

Nah j/k what I want to know is how did you get to heaven?

eddiebalin responds:

Well, giving me tens across the board and an overall score of ten dosn't hurt.

Visit this flash every day and vote five and you mite as well reserve yur wings and halo!

You hilarious bastard

I thought this flash was one of the funniest i've seen in a while. I thought LiveCorpse or Adam was a great user, who showed respect to many in the NG community. Ofcourse to better understand him you'd have to visit the forums regulary. Great flash, I enjoyed every aspect of it. BTW what flash did he give you overall zero?

eddiebalin responds:

yeah, I'm a bastard all rite.

You shud check out Mistur Rodgers and Reggiehater 3.

Sorrrrrrrrite!!!! Way to go!

You did well on this movie. Addam must have made you very angry since he voted 0 on your movies. This is one best peice of art flash movie in the bastards category. Im sure you did well on this. Forget what people say to you! All gays are to be terminated! Anyway you deserve to have a little bit golden trophy for this flash entry. Im sure you will do fine making more flash entries. You also have a point about angstdrillhead sucking to. I will vote 5 on this daily.

eddiebalin responds:

Nah, don't waste yur time voting 5 on this.

I don't care about scores.

I just make my movies for the vury vury few s'orite peple on this site.

Like you.

Fucking funny as all Eddie's movies

Drug addicts that shoot at people are better off as corpses IMO.

Even though the main joke was not original, I still laughed at this. Livecorpse being surrounded by cock was awesome.

I read from the news that your alter-ego... I mean partner Steven Herman got The Cancer and now has a shorter lifespan than the average person. Could you please make a "vury" special tribute to him before you, I mean him kicks the bucket? That would be s'orite!

eddiebalin responds:

okay, stevenherman is a jew basturd scum, i cant wait until he dies. I will fuck the bones with king friday.