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Reviews for "Pimp My Piece v1.0"

ok, but could use some work...

i watch the show and this isint like the show. it's not crappy as hell but it does need some work. more cars, better color and graphics, and some more stuff for the cars. keep at it!


Whoever is in charge of the front page has been putting a lot of mediocre stuff up there... Oh well this is okay not great. Graphics aren't as bad as everyone says. Just a bit limited. The misc made me laugh almost as much as the reviewers.. I felt you included some unnecessary things in your rant. You make the assumption that people are voting 0 out of spite. Maybe its score is lowering because more negative people look around on the home page instead of in the flash portal. I doubt it's out of spite... And people voting 0 because they think it's easy? Difficulty to make the flash is NOT important. I despise flash makers who claim they deserve a better score because of the work they put in. The final product is the ONLY thing that should be graded. Not the work. As I've said before, I could spend weeks making a piece of shit flash... and it's still a piece of shit flash. So it's gonna get shitty scores. That's just the way it is. And.. you.. DIDN'T make this for us? Then... why did you submit it? I'm sure you can express yourself just fine without submitting the movie to NG for us to criticize. You do it for free?? Wtf does that have to do with ANYTHING? In any case while I don't agree with insulting your reviewers, yes some may be asshats but you should just shrug it off, the flash is still decent. Not enough for frontpage but the person in charge of that seems to like putting up flashes they like versus what he thinks we might like. Selfish? Maybe. Maybe another hidden reason. We may never know.

It was alright IMO. Pretty short and nothing to ge

I just found it too short and kinda boring...


add more cars

ok game...

first i would lik to say i am 12 and im not pubeless also britney spears dressups suck

now that i got that outa the way ill say that this game didnt suck that badly but how it got on the front page confuses me...it has a fucking 1.93 score!!! the reason i put the violence at 1 is u can run over santa(witch is also part of the humor) also the dude fucking a sheep wuz funny