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Reviews for "Xbox Savior Preview"


This kinda does shows how immature Console gamers are. Why cant they all just get along. I dont like Xbox, because I dislike most games on there. Why can't you all just get along, and go to the best platform of them all... PC :P. Plus, those devil horns should be on Billy Gates, after the crap he's released. (Windows ME anyone?)

End Ranting

The Animation was pretty cool, black and white gives it some style. The graphics seem right.

It could use sound, or some kind of violence/humor (both is even better)

OK for a first draft....

It was.... OK I guess. You really need some sound in there. It actually detracts from the movie with its absence.

And the art style is OK I guess.... but there's some anatomy work that needs doing if you're gonna draw muscly arms and legs like that (although it's by no means the worst I've seen on Newgrounds).

Polish it up a bit, get some sound (and a bit more colour in there) and you'll get a much better score next time.

Pretty interisting flash

Well, better start my rant. Before anybody starts bitching on how the xbox suck, they should know a few things. First off, I don't really give a damn about all this bull about the xbox sucks. Amazing, top notch games were made for the xbox, like Halo and Ninja Gaiden . The only reason why you should buy the game console is to play the frickin games! I don't give a damn how small or big or haw many add ons a console has; I just want to play some of that companies video games. Yhink you people can understand that?

Not bad, Mantus is wrong.

The movie was pretty cool,certainly needs some sound and hopefully a bit more than black and white drawings. Still, you're a good drawer.

Screw PS2 and Gamecube. PS2 may have the most games, but it also has the most BAD QUALITY games because it's a gay piece of shit, and now most of its games are just crap. Fine example? A Dog's Life (You can poo or piss wherever you want). WOW!!!! OMFG!!!! THAT'S A GREAT GAME!!! I WANT IT!!!!! Biggest pile of bullshit I've seen in my life. Same with Devil May Cry and Samurai Warriors, they may be OK games, but they suck ass to XBox games like Deathrow or (of course, everyone knows it will be better) Halo.

I've got nothing against Gamecube, but it's awful for people to think that a cartoon game like Super Smash Brothers could ever stand up to games that have ACTUAL storylines and good graphics. Gamecube has the chunkiest graphics, but it is admirably better than the Gaystation 2, and they've already stopped making games for the Gamecube because it is faring the worst out of all the consoles. But I'd choose it anyday over the Gaystation 2.

And what's more, the fact that you like Pokemon and Retarded Animal Babies isn't really much of a good impression, so get some sense into yourself. You need proof? Have a look at the thousands of stores where Gamecubes are gathering dust in the corners even at a lousy low price for what it's worth. Xbox own3d Gamecube and hopefully will do the same to the PSGAY.

Got to admire the style

Thats some style! I like it alot. Screw Xbox Gamecube and PS2 are better deal with it you basement jockeys. PS2 had all the good games before Xbox. Xbox Microsoft just couldnt think of any other games to make so they started buying rights to produce PS2 games. Xbox has nothing on Devil May Cry, Super Smash Brothers, SOCOM 2 kills any faggy first person shooter, Samurai Warriors,Windwaker...Oh and its been proven that Gamecube has a faster frame rate the Xbox therefore it has better graphics. Pokemon or not Gamecube kicks Xbox out the window and then PS2 pisses on whats left
This movie wasnt half bad please do make more just next time add sound