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thanx! a bunch dude!!

Thanks this helped me a lot! But theres one thing I don't know how to do... I don't know how to make a replay button... kinda emberrassing I know... Would you mind telling me how? Thanks for making this tutorial also I would've never gotten started without it.


if the first scene of your movie is called scene1, just put this action in a button on the end (make sure you put a stop action in the frame where the button is) gotoAndPlay ("Scene 1", 2);
This will make the flash go to scene 1 (the first scene) frame 2 (the second frame) and it will start playing from there. Hope this helps.

Omg Thank you soo much

Thank i knew the very basics like to draw a circle, flash is so complcated but i know LOADs more now, im definatly saving this for referencing, THANX


Thanks :D

Thank so much!!!!!

The only part that confused me was the scripts but i worked at it and it worked thank you.


ty helped alot

oh and go check the top user lists pimp and humantarget52 now have lvl 30


o yeah, i see, weird

Gamecubicle.... THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Hey, Game, you're so awesome! I was stuck while making a movieclip... he looked like he was trying to run up a down-escalator if you get my drift... So I followed your instructions and tried the Test Movie option... O my gosh it looked so smooth! If I ever get a movie done and on here, you'll be in the credits as a thanks!
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