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Reviews for "Tzu - Biohazard: Evolution"

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Dude... this is a pretty sick song. Its a little bit repetitive, but not TOO bad. It evolves nicely, nice progression. The drums sounded good for the first 3 minutes, then it started really dragging on. I can tell you put a fair amount of time, effort and careful planning into this. Which is why im rating 5/5 (sorry man, I accidently hit 3. I'm only level one tho, so it didnt take too much away :X) and 10/10
One more thing... I found the bass was a little thin. Sounded lo-fi. Idk if you intended that, but I think phattening it up a bit would add a nice touch.

Tzunami responds:

Yeah, it's a pretty drawn out song, not being too fancy or anything. I needed to figure out how to progress from the first one, which I did without changing too much, as well.. I'm sure I'll come up with something for a 3rd part, and It will be drastically changed from that point. THe big thing was just to get more ideas and throw them out there. Thanks for the review.


Not bad, it was pretty good ^^
Keep it up!!!

Not much to add

AxeFX pretty much summed it up :) and i dont wanna be repeating what he said to you. But great job! i think it could use a little more drum in my opinion. but SICK AWESOME none the less. and definately more bass. i also liked the ambience. in had an intensity but soft at the same time. Great work! 5/5 and9/10

Tzunami responds:

Thanks a lot. Compared to the first one I did want it to be a little more ambient, but still as hard as the original. I've been trying to make a part 3.. but it's hard to think about where to go from the end of this one.


Great song! Nice beats, melodies, but a bit repetitive in the end.

Still, you deserve a 9/10.


Beaituful synths

Heavenly synth arpeggios there, man! Nice Dub-Step-y breaks too! That choir sound is sweet too... I like the swells and smooth, subtle builds...


Tzunami responds:

Thanks a lot. I've actually finished the 3rd part, which was a combination of what I think were my best songs. I really didn't put much effort into the drums really since I wanted to keep the Biohazard drums, but all the melodies are there and I may upload it to NG soon enough.