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Reviews for "Megaman X OLB ep.2"

not bad actually.

C'mon people, buck up! That wasn't so bad at all. It was only boring for the first to minutes and than it picked up as far as im concerned. X and Zero are both dead, and theu have to rely upon osme human army of nit-wits. It seems pretty interesting to me. Especially considering your limited to sprites. Also , i thought the backrounds were pretty good, some sprite flashes have these really boring ones, all the ones in this flash looked good and were appropriate. I don't know why people are complaining about no action, if you've got any brain at all, you 'll see that the flash is obviously leading up to some "peek". Or exposition/complication of some kind. By the way, I think people should just get used to sprite animation. It's just another form of flash. they don't need to all be drawn. Flash is a program, and people are using to make some movies anf games, that is the reality, and it's going to stay that way. It would almost be the same as knocking on Knox for using claymation and submitting a flash file movie. One could still say he didn't draw or do any cool tricks on flash. Whatever, the point is to judge a sprtie movie on how the author is able to take existing sprite art and manipulate it into some kind of original or crative way, and make them interact in a beleivable presentation. There are so many shit sprite movies were the animation is akward and boring. I feel that this movies qualifies for sprite quality. Anyways, that's my two cents. Pirates forever!

Kaosboy85 responds:

THANKYOU! Finally someone who gets it! As I’m sure you've figured out, I don't wan this to be the typical Megaman flash series of he blasts him, and they blast each other. A little plot to a story is nice sometimes and thank you very much for understanding and appreciating that! Next weeks ep is the action packed mindless one:-D


Straight up retro coolness,....well done

Kaosboy85 responds:

Thanks for the review... retro...nice thats a new one!

Kaosboy, that was very...

GOOD! *Thumbs up*

Kaosboy85 responds:

Thanks for the thumbs up, I hope to get another one next week for ep3!

It's ok

Azn hero.... It's called an original storyline! OR perhaps a parallel universe where things are different. He doesn't have to go along the storyline of the game. He can make his own and it's pretty good so far. Think outside yur little box of reality and try to understand originality.

Oh and in case you didn't notice. some of the sprites beling to Megaman Zero. Yet he still uses Megaman X sprites like Vile. So much for keeping up with the game there Azn Hero.

Kaosboy85 responds:

LOL! Thnkyou VERYMUCH for the review and helpful response to Aznhero. Its nice to know that some peopel still have an appreciation for original story lines.

Hehe.... The humans are dense as bricks in this one. "hurr the mavericks aren't smart enough to go down the side street derrr, so we won't send a patrol!" Jeez, you made them idiots :P. Oh, and X and Zero can't die. They will just "hide themselves while they repair themselves" (you get a cookie if you know the reference :D)